
". . . someone in a relationship needs to consider the family as . . .

. . . a career, a project, serious enough to be willing to be the one to 'scramble up over jagged rocks to feed the birds, so that they won't become extinct'". -Edith Schaeffer in What is a Family
I'm thankful for:
  1. perspective of my job being to champion our family
  2. finally making the move and buying paint for the kid's bathroom
  3. managing taping off and painting part of the kid's bathroom between naps and snack time until Jeff came home when I could finish it
  4. Christian being able to see his friend Tyler today
  5. my friend D' and she celebrates her birthday today
  6. the paint in the bathroom looks good! (albeit a little brighter than I was looking for)
  7. keeping my cool for a few days in a row
  8. Thomas trying so hard to keep up with the kids
  9. Thomas desiring to eat real food
  10. Christian and Clara treating each other with more love and respect (likely reflective of Mom's better behavior this week)

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