
"One family and the children of that family can do . . .

. . . marvelous things to affect the world or devastating things to destroy it." -Edith Schaeffer What is a Family?
I'm thankful for:
  1. talking to myself about how to handle each situation before losing my cool or getting testy (don't worry, I'm not talking to myself out loud)
  2. a very productive morning
  3. convincing myself not to be lazy but to push through
  4. Thomas keeping the gloves on this afternoon
  5. Clara and Christian being better behaved
  6. Thomas following the C's around the house all day
  7. playing Memory with Christian and Clara and they both understood how to play it correctly!
  8. Thomas signing Mommy and saying "Dada"
  9. popsicles for the kids
  10. reading lots of stories today

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