
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

-Ephesians 4:7
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff helping with Clara in the middle of the night last night
  2. being so productively clean this week
  3. the kids behaving nicely
  4. me behaving nicely and not getting upset so easily
  5. being more patient with Christian during his reading time
  6. a miraculous day without any mommy meltdowns and the kids behavior reflecting how nice mommy was
  7. getting new books at the library
  8. taking the kids to McDonald's, which I almost never do. They, of course, had a blast!
  9. Thomas enjoying bath with the older kids now so much
  10. feeling some nice harmony in my life today and the hope it gives me that one day it could stay this way

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