
"The most pleasant and useful persons are . . .

. . . those who leave some of the problems of the universe for God to worry about." -Don Marquis
I'm thankful for:
  1. the fact that I now know without a doubt that I do get post-partum depression after having my babies and that I don't have it anymore
  2. conviction from my bible study that love is not primarily a feeling but an action
  3. changes coming our way to hopefully allow Jeff to be with us more
  4. a very successful day homeschooling today
  5. being consistently patient and loving today
  6. going to the grocery store without 3 small children tagging along
  7. an opportunity to celebrate Christmas my family in just over a month
  8. getting up early this morning and getting a good exercise in
  9. one night break from putting the kids to bed
  10. our church and leadership


Count your blessings

I'm thankful for:
  1. a beautiful day at the park on Monday
  2. Clara saying "Thank you" and when I asked what for she said "Thank you for taking me to bible study" completely unprompted. WOW!
  3. 3 of us having a complete meltdown in the car on the way home from bible study. Oh, it was bad . . . but the payoff was when I asked the kids how they felt when I yelled at them Clara said "You weren't listening to God". She is starting to get it!
  4. celebrating God's and each other's forgiveness in a spontaneous trip to Paradise Bakery
  5. continued reminders of how wonderful my husband and marriage really are
  6. the lessons God is teaching me (oh so painful!) in how not to act.
  7. a good day today of not losing my temper
  8. booking the trip to spend Christmas in Virginia
  9. Mary Kay playing Chutes & Ladders and Candyland with the kids
  10. spending time teaching Christian today without getting irritated. Baby steps.


"As people spin faster and faster in the pursuit of merely personal happiness . . .

. . . they become exhausted in the futile effort of chasing themselves." -Andrew Delbanco
I'm thankful for:
  1. finding that I no longer resent that I am the one who has to take the trash out each time
  2. learning for certain that Thomas is allergic to soy
  3. the weather finally cooling down a little
  4. my Mom coming out here last week. I don't think I loaded the dishwasher once!
  5. a great trip to San Diego . . . seeing the joy on their faces as they watched Shamu jump out of the water, Jeff helping them overcome the fear of the ocean, seeing family I hadn't seen for years, . . . I could keep going!
  6. getting back into an early morning rhythm so I can have some personal quiet time before starting the day
  7. Christian and Clara playing nicely together
  8. not totally losing my mind at my children in spite of the exhausting schedule we've been keeping
  9. hope that I will be able to conquer everything I need to with the kids, the house, the schoolwork, etc as I get into the rhythm
  10. a quiet moment to reflect on thankfulness while the kids play outside


In Christ alone, my hope is found . . .

. . . firm through the fiercest drought and storm. -Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
I'm thankful for:
  1. sweet baby Thomas turning 1 today!

  2. an unexpected call from Christian's preschool about a Mon/Wed afternoon class - it may be exactly what he needs.
  3. coming out after tucking Clara and Thomas into bed and finding Christian reading himself a story without my asking him to

  4. being able to join Jeff on a business trip last week to Las Vegas
  5. that the 5 of us stuck in a one bed hotel room turned out great instead of as miserable as it seemed like it would

  6. being able to see my cousin Jennifer and her daughters while we were there

    Clara and Jordan
  7. being able to do some fun things with the kids while in Vegas. We bowled, went to the Monterey Bay Shark Reef, ate gelato and watched the fountains at the Bellagio.
  8. my cousin Jeanette giving birth to a healthy baby boy yesterday!
  9. Christian saying he wants to be like Jesus
  10. having the great support of family and friends


Love never fails.

-1 Corinthians 13:8a
I'm thankful for:
  1. spending lots of time reading with the kids
  2. Christian's behavior and mouth significantly improving
  3. Thomas adjusting to his new diet and drinking water better
  4. chasing the kids around the house and working on "projects" together
  5. the stability of Jeff's job in this awful market
  6. being able to have some good time with Jeff's family and celebrating Andrew's 8th birthday
  7. how much the kids adore their cousins
  8. seeing Clara hugging Christian and telling him that she loves him
  9. Christian enthusiasm to read the bible, sing hymns and memorize verses since we implemented a morning and dinner worship time
  10. Christian is reading!!!


For by grace you have been saved through faith.

. . . And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. -Ephesians 2:8
I'm thankful for:
  1. a week with my sister out here, giving the kids and myself company & relief
  2. my sister spending a lot of one on one time with the kids

  3. the vast growth my sister and I have made in our relationship together through the last several years
  4. my sister's offer and willingness to watch the kids for 24 hours while Jeff and I got a night away
  5. a wonderful night away of relaxation and stress free with Jeff at the WigWam

  6. the new foods I'm able to eat now! Yummmm! Still trying valiantly not to go overboard.
  7. potting more herbs with the kids

  8. Thomas top 4 teeth all coming in at once - at least he'll only suffer once for four.
  9. having a break before Jeff's trip this whole week
  10. the kids desire to help me clean and finding some chores that they can do to help


Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger . . .

. . . but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. -Ephesians 6:4
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids being able to spend such quality time with their grandma & grandpa
  2. the homeschool conference. I'm still not sure what we'll do in the future, but it really gave me some good ideas to consider and refreshed my parenting strategies
  3. talking nicely with the kids instead of losing my temper the last few days
  4. seeing progress in Christian's disobedience the last few days
  5. the bittersweet act of weaning Thomas
  6. eating foods I haven't eaten in 6 months! Pizza, peanut butter, chocolate!
  7. refocusing for the upcoming week
  8. the study our church is doing on the 10 commandments
  9. Thomas starting to get better at drinking from a cup
  10. having a great time with our college/young adult group. What