
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but . . .

. . . only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. -Ephesians 4:29
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas waking with happy noises and not screaming for me - the first time ever!
  2. Thomas' first (it's really come through this time) new tooth
  3. Josh's sermon really speaking to me this morning about how we are to have a different way of thinking that affects how we interact with others
  4. that I was actually able to listen to and concentrate on a good part of the sermon
  5. Clara getting to go on a date with Daddy
  6. having a nice conversation with my Mom & Dad
  7. making Orange Creme Shake with/for Christian
  8. enjoying time with just the boys and how the dynamic changes when one of the kids are gone
  9. how excited the kids were to share what happened in their day with each other
  10. planning for the week ahead


"Weekends are a bit like rainbows;

. . . they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them." -John Shirley
I'm thankful for:
  1. the weekend and not having to go it all on my own
  2. Thomas' amazing week of sleep. I think we are turning a corner!
  3. fresh air mowing the lawn
  4. being able to laze around a bit and not feeling too guilty as my dishes pile high on the kitchen counters
  5. ordering curtains for our sliding glass door - finally! And finding ones I like at a great deal on eBay
  6. Christian attending Sam's birthday party at a bowling alley and having a blast!
  7. Christian and Clara having fun their first time on a slip 'n slide
  8. being able to eat with less restrictions
  9. enjoying a nice glass of wine and homecooked leftovers
  10. Clara returning to her big girl bed and hope that she does better staying in there from now on


"Independence"... [is] middle-class blasphemy. We are all . . .

. . . dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth." -G.B. Shaw, Pygmalion, 1912
I'm thankful for:
  1. feeling a lot better this morning
  2. finally getting around to letting the kids paint the critters my sister sent and playing in moon sand

  3. not getting very angry (there were a few minutes of serious grumps at the end) when looking at the mess from the moon sand
  4. even hearing some happy squeals when I've been putting Thomas to bed (or when he's woken up) the last few days. That has never happened before!
  5. Thomas successfully retrying carrots and oats with only a contact reaction to the carrots
  6. finding a cool father's day gift for my dad at Etsy.com
  7. my new Franklin Covey weekly planner arriving!
  8. mmmmm! Clean sheets!
  9. neighbors are moving in next door!
  10. getting to meet neighbors at an ice cream party and seeing the space station fly overhead


"In the sick room, ten cents' worth of human understanding equals . . .

. . . ten dollars' worth of medical science." -Martin H. Fischer
I'm thankful for:
  1. the tylenol working to bring down my fever so I could function most of the day
  2. Christian being helpful and kind for at least part of the day
  3. Clara saying with utmost sympathy "I hope you feel betta Mommy"
  4. more ways that God is convicting me to grow. Especially being a good example to my children and using my words for good no matter how I'm feeling
  5. the Hahne's watching my kids while I went to see the Dr
  6. the Dr seeing me even though I got lost on the way there and was 20 minutes late
  7. getting on antibiotics - please God may it work quickly!
  8. getting the kids to bed without throwing up. Thank goodness they can do so much for themselves now!
  9. Jeff coming home and taking care of me
  10. not every day being like this


" If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick." -Hippocrates

Please pray this mastitis goes away on its own. Jeff is gone tonight and tomorrow and my fever is increasing.
I'm thankful for:
  1. having a totally ideal morning. Cooking, cleaning, playing, reading and most importantly - no grumpy mommy!
  2. trying new foods for Thomas - little pieces of banana and strawberry
  3. Thomas sleeping well this morning and this afternoon
  4. Thomas not acting very itchy
  5. everyone behaving better - particularly me
  6. more ideas of things I'd like to do during the day like music time and art time
  7. a plan of action for helping Thomas with his itching
  8. only one night that Jeff will be out of town this week
  9. a yummy dinner at the Hahne's tonight!
  10. visits with old friends


"Don't worry that children never listen to you;

worry that they are always watching you." -Robert Fulghum
I'm thankful for:
  1. not getting angry or even in the least bit irritable when getting out of the house in a rush this morning
  2. interesting theological questions I've been having lately with Christian and Clara in the car
  3. better behavior from the C's today
  4. Thomas having a good 9 months checkup today at his pediatrician's office - 9 MONTHS!!!
  5. Thomas handling shots, bloodwork, and allergy testing as well as could be expected and recovering quickly
  6. spending long overdue time with the Brower's
  7. good news at the allergist that Thomas tested negative to several foods we thought were positives. Also, that having hives on his chin does not necessarily indicate an allergic reaction but rather a skin sensitivity so we can re-introduce all foods that are negative and slowly introduce foods that were mildly positive to see how he handles it
  8. Jeff being home to help bathe and put the kids to bed
  9. feeling refreshed after the long weekend and able to handle the norms of life with more ease
  10. eating one of my favorite dinners tonight since I can now eat beans again!


"They fell, but o'er their glorious grave . . .

. . . Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save." -Francis Marion Crawford
I'm thankful for:
  1. the sacrifices made by the brave men and women, both past and present, in order to maintain living a blessed life in a free country. May our current and future administrations remember what and why we continue to fight for our freedom.
  2. Thomas finally falling asleep at 5am
  3. Jeff having an extra day off and being able to sleep until 7
  4. finding a possible new cause of hives - gelatin (marshmallows, jello)
  5. encouraging words from Melissa to clear my perspective
  6. cooking some foods for the week
  7. Jeff taking the older kids out for the whole morning
  8. Thomas sweet and easy going demeanor when he's not itching and overly tired
  9. enjoying delicious food and great company at the Harding's Memorial Day party
  10. opportunities to teach our children about patience


"It behooves a father to be blameless if . . .

. . . he expects his child to be." -Homer
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas waking up early so we could squeeze in a trip to the store before the C's woke up
  2. Christian sleeping until 7am & Clara not waking him up for once
  3. the bit I could glean from the sermon this morning regarding hope for God to change me
  4. finding more cereals I can eat
  5. Christian's adoration of Thomas
  6. Sunday afternoon naps!
  7. Clara tickling Thomas and him nearly laughing
  8. Thomas signing "more" for the first time
  9. getting organized for our College ministry
  10. Jeff taking the kids on a walk


The righteous man leads a blameless life;

. . . blessed are his children after him. -Proverbs 20:7
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff making a start on getting the garage in order
  2. ordering a weekly planner in hopes of getting better organized
  3. the growing independence of our children
  4. enjoying a book I checked out from the library (Catch as Catch Can by Joseph Heller)
  5. Thomas pulling up to standing on the couch
  6. help picking up around the house today and help with the kids
  7. unexpectedly getting to see Tom & Mary Kay for dinner
  8. Clara and Christian's total adoration and excitement for their grandparents
  9. not finding anything to buy for our house at Copenhagen today - at least we're saving money
  10. wanting change - not being complacent in where I'm at as a mom


"He who is allowed to do as he likes will soon . . .

. . . run his head into a brick wall out of sheer frustration." -Robert Musil, The Man without Qualities, 1930
I'm thankful for:
  1. parenting books that can guide me in the right direction
  2. a desire to get to the hearts of my children rather than train them to behave well out of fear
  3. the joy the kids had at the rain, coming into my room this morning saying "Mom! There's going to be a rainbow!!"
  4. going to the library and getting some books to read
  5. laying Thomas down for a nap with minimal fussing and no socks on his hands (I don't think they're very effective any more - he can get even the tightest ones off within minutes)
  6. reading books on the couch with the kids
  7. Christian loving to play with Thomas
  8. Thomas first time waving
  9. playing games with the kids
  10. Jeff coming home later tonight


"Ruin and recovery are both from within." -Epictetus

I'm thankful for:
  1. a good mood this morning in spite of too little sleep
  2. working towards no back-talking and immediate obedience - being more aware of where I'm falling short
  3. Clara being a little ray of sunshine with her cute and silly behavior, pistol though she is!
  4. Christian's last day of school
  5. Ms. Montoya and Ms. Price and the great preschool program Christian enjoyed
  6. the nature around our home - coyotes, prairie dogs, roadrunners, rabbits - all seen just today!
  7. Christian encouraging me not to be mad when I went to discipline him
  8. Thomas exploring and enjoying himself so much during his usually fussy time
  9. a cloudy, much cooler than normal day with even a bit of rain
  10. Thomas first time with the C's in the bath


"The average man, who does not know what to do with his life,

. . . wants another one which will last forever." -Anatole France
I'm thankful for:
  1. going to bed earlier last night to try to take better care of myself
  2. Clara's pullup was dry this morning!
  3. handling Thomas' poop blowout with grace and humor
  4. Thomas going to crawling from sitting for the first time
  5. Christian sounding out and then spelling out words like Clara & Dog
  6. Thomas eating peaches - real bites of peaches - by himself!
  7. Christian's ok after Clara chucked a polar pack at his head
  8. Clara sincerely remorseful for what she did
  9. less fear and better tolerance today
  10. Melissa Hahne coming over for a drink and great conversation after the kids were in bed


"Self-pity is . . .

. . . a sinkhole from which no rescuing hand can drag you because you have chosen to sink." -Elizabeth Elliot
I'm thankful for:
  1. secretly watching the kids playing outside through my bedroom window. I cherish their little antics when they are playing so well together.
  2. bathtime relaxing Thomas to the point that he so nicely went to sleep on his own
  3. working as a team to get in & out of Toys R Us in 10 minutes
  4. the kids behaving pretty well when we went to the title agency to sign our refinancing paperwork - & refinancing our home at 5%!
  5. being able to park in the garage - what a difference in car temperature!
  6. Christian's friend Blake's birthday party at the splash pad
  7. not even feeling sad one bit that I couldn't eat the cake
  8. Jeff being home tonight. Having help is invaluable.
  9. the realization that all the stuff I thought was happening this weekend is mostly next weekend. Phew!
  10. working on a routine for our days to get more accomplished and enjoy our time together more.


"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely . . .

. . . to be normal." -Albert Camus
I'm thankful for:
  1. a down the street neighbor (Brandy) setting up an ice-cream social for neighbors to meet
  2. making one step closer to talking to someone professional about this or getting other help
  3. a good nap
  4. again for Melissa
  5. kids playing nicely outside
  6. a friend finding out she's pregnant! Hurray for new life!
  7. the smell of good food cooking in my kitchen. That's right my kitchen!
  8. winging it on a meal and it being a hit!
  9. starting work on a summer schedule
  10. Jeff's support


Dear God, I need your help, Lord.

Please help me not to resent my children for their constant demands on my time. Help me to show them love even, and especially, when I'm correcting their behavior. Please give me wisdom to make the right decisions for my children, to not discipline in anger, and to keep a level head in all that I do. Help me, Lord, not to fear the breakdown I had on Friday and instead see it as a means to develop my character to be more like You. Help me not to want to run from that person or to run from my children.
I'm thankful for:
  1. confirmation I need to be more consistent in discipline
  2. silly Thomas antics like crawling under the coffee table glass
  3. getting the house straightened for our college group coming over tonight
  4. Jeff's ability to help me see the other side of the coin
  5. Thomas falling asleep in the swing this afternoon
  6. Melissa Hahne
  7. our college friends coming over
  8. playing games, watching a movie, and enjoying good conversation
  9. Christian falling asleep immediately
  10. a fresh start to a new week


"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. . .

. . . I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Teresa
I'm thankful for:
  1. running 5 1/2 miles today in 53 minutes. I have never run past 4 miles before!
  2. getting my Nike+ & iPod setup for running this morning - it made it easier
  3. Thomas taking a good nap this morning - the first in a while now
  4. Christian riding his bike and loving it!
  5. Christian building and re-enacting the battle of Jericho with blocks
  6. a wee little nap (I could have used a wee little more)
  7. Thomas playing so nicely by himself
  8. Jeff being here for Christian's and later Clara's total meltdown
  9. http://deathisnotdying.com/ - it speaks for itself
  10. a challenge to serve my family with joy


I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.

For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. -Romans 7:18
I'm thankful for:
  1. putting Clara back in the Pac-N-Play again. It meant 45 extra minutes of sleep for me & even more for everyone else!
  2. follow up from the allergists office about the next steps for testing Thomas
  3. the kids trying to help me calm down when I completely broke down today (hopefully the first and last total mommy meltdown)
  4. friends to openly share with when I'm having a hard time
  5. Thomas chasing a ball around the room
  6. Christian encouraging & playing with Thomas
  7. Jeff arriving earlier than usual from a trip
  8. Jeff taking the C's out shopping and to eat
  9. having quiet time just T and me
  10. surviving this day


"A teacher affects eternity;

. . . he can never tell where his influence stops." -Henry Brooks Adams
I'm thankful for:
  1. the freelance logo job. I hope the client likes them; it was a fun exercise for me.
  2. making eggs, bacon and toast for the kids and they GOBBLED IT UP!
  3. Clara not getting seriously injured after Christian hit her between the eyes with a (plastic, thankfully) golf club
  4. friends I can honestly tell I'm grumpy who try to talk me down
  5. a powerful sermon addressing President Obama about abortion by John Piper
  6. the kids napping right away since we had to go to Christian's school an hour early
  7. hearing the testimony I sent to the Intentional Living program on air while I was driving to Christian's school today
  8. Christian's great preschool program today!
  9. being able to pray openly with a friend in need and then seeing the miracle God brought into her life
  10. Jeff coming home tomorrow


"And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning . . .

. . . wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created." -D.H. Lawrence
I'm thankful for:
  1. seeing a shooting star last night - the 2nd time in my life outside of a meteor shower I saw in IL once
  2. enjoying more time with the Hahne's this morning
  3. a quiet lunch when the C's asked to eat their lunches outside
  4. Thomas doing a "real" crawl today instead of the army crawl
  5. baby Emily home and safe from the hospital
  6. perspective
  7. hope for positive change for the Bates family
  8. the possibility of doing a classical education homeschool co-op
  9. Jeff having a better day today
  10. hope for being a better mom tomorrow


"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

I'm thankful for:
  1. Melissa Hahne watching the C's so I could attend Sharing Day at bible study
  2. all the marshmallows gone from our home. Ugh.
  3. blessed by the sharing of other believers at sharing day
  4. that God forgives
  5. that after I prayed to God to keep me from talking nasty to my child and handle his behavior problems with wisdom, immediately upon dropping him off at school I heard a sermon of how each child is made uniquely by God and each child should be raised up uniquely according to their character
  6. God's perfect timing
  7. finding software for my dvd burner to finally get it working!!!
  8. being invited back over to the Hahne's for dinner
  9. an impromptu sleepover at the Hahne's
  10. sorbet


"You don't get anything clean without . . .

. . . getting something else dirty." -Cecil Baxter
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking up early to see Jeff's alarm didn't go off
  2. team work by the kids to rush out of the house at 5:50 this morning
  3. being able to get Jeff his wallet just in time for him to make his flight
  4. making rice krispee treats with the kids
  5. checking out FlyLady and hope for better organization
  6. putting a new sticker chart together
  7. the kids saying "excuse me" to get my attention on the phone
  8. having close friends to keep each other accountable
  9. baths all around
  10. my children being quick to forgive


Happy Mother's Day!

Nothing like on-the-job training!
I'm thankful for:
  1. my own mom and mother-in-law and how they've shaped our lives
  2. a 4 mile run this morning
  3. Jeff making our Sunday morning pancakes
  4. the nice cards my kids made for me and the perfect card Jeff bought for me
  5. the kids and Jeff taking me out to lunch and being able to eat off the menu
  6. Sunday afternoon naps
  7. Jeff helping to take on the burden of disciplining bad behavior
  8. food from scratch - it has to be better for you, right?!
  9. going to the store by myself, saving the trip with 3 littles tomorrow
  10. making a double batch of Chicken Tortilla Soup. Mmmm!


. . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

. . . for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also. -Matthew 6:20-21
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff cleaning the shower
  2. time alone mowing the lawn
  3. Jeff spending individual time with the kids
  4. Thomas allowing Jeff to put him down for a nap and going to sleep well
  5. a quiet afternoon with sleeping children
  6. playing Spiderman Memory with Clara
  7. the fact that Jeff and I are usually on the same page as parents
  8. a low key freelance job coming together
  9. trying not to put too much value in our home and possessions
  10. watching Jeff play "bowling" with my exercise ball and the kids as pins


"Babies are always more . . .

. . . trouble than you thought - and more wonderful." -Charles Osgood
I'm thankful for:
  1. Christian sleeping through Clara's noise early this morning (crying, whining, piano playing, door slamming, etc)
  2. a fairly good trip to the store without any major blowups
  3. Thomas taking a nap without socks on his hands
  4. Thomas getting wherever he wants and is so much happier for it
  5. Thomas acting, sleeping, smiling like a normal baby today!
  6. Jeff knocking off work a little early today
  7. a nice meal of salmon & asparagus
  8. thoughtful friends who send articles about allergies
  9. the calm (quiet evening) after the storm (big fight amidst the C's)
  10. Friday nights and the promise of the weekend together


"Prayer does not change God, but . . .

. . . it changes him who prays." -Søren Kierkegaard
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids waking super early and their grumpy attitudes. Normally this is the start of a bad day, but today it gave me the opportunity to read my bible and pray that instead of trying to control my children that God would help me to guide them.
  2. dear friends who worry when they don't hear from me for a while
  3. feeling refreshed from our time in Tucson
  4. the house next to us is sold!
  5. Christian's desire to create something for show and share
  6. Thomas' happy demeanor in spite of the itchy hives. What is it today? Bananas?
  7. the first real laugh from Thomas
  8. having a pizza party picnic watching Mary Poppins
  9. long phone calls with great friends. Thanks Melissa!
  10. a low-key freelance gig, perfect for my limited free time


"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. . .

. . . They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies." -Rudolph Giuliani
I'm thankful for:
  1. having the opportunity to go to Tucson overnight at the last minute
  2. being able to spend the whole week with Jeff
  3. the love the kids have for Grandma & Grandpa
  4. relatively good behavior from the C's in spite of a sleep deficit
  5. marked improvement from Thomas in behavior and sleep
  6. Mary Kay joining in on the tea party
  7. Thomas making big strides (ha ha! pun intended) on the army crawl
  8. having in-laws that I feel comfortable talking openly with
  9. all 3 kids falling asleep fairly quickly on the car ride back from Tucson
  10. a safe drive back from Tucson


"Mother love is the fuel that . . .

. . . enables a normal human being to do the impossible." -Marion C. Garretty
I'm thankful for:
  1. a great phone call with my sister last night and the closer we've come through the years
  2. my bible study. I am so sad it is ending for the summer, but I have learned so much from the study of Genesis through Community Bible Study
  3. a greater understanding of the Lord's timing and lessons in patience
  4. a beautiful springtime here in the desert where we usually are sweltering long before now
  5. Thomas sleeping at Bible Study - something he's never done before without being held
  6. Thomas sleeping on his own this afternoon too! Maybe we're turning a corner!
  7. Christian singing in front of bible study. Ok, well, standing there and looking a bit like Eeyore, but he was up there nonetheless.
  8. Christian's preschool helper telling me how much he's grown and how he knows all the songs and motions for their upcoming show
  9. Clara's desire to do things by herself and the determination she has to keep trying until she's figured it out
  10. Thomas is like another child. So happy and rested. Squeals of joys resounding instead of screams of irritation.


It's so great to find that one special person . . .

. . . you want to annoy for the rest of your life. -Rita Rudner
I'm thankful for:
  1. getting to see a breathtaking Arizona sunrise this morning
  2. running 3 miles to start my day
  3. Jeff's trip to El Paso getting canceled this week!!
  4. Thomas taking a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon and not having his usual screaming time tonight!
  5. Clara putting Thomas' clothes away on her own initiative (is she really just 2 years old?!)
  6. going to the store and bank by my self!
  7. getting our sprinkler issue corrected without cost to us
  8. Jeff playing with the kids outside
  9. the balance Jeff gives me in all parts of life
  10. being able to eat marshmallows to satisfy my sweet tooth!


Most of the food allergies die under garlic and onion. -Martin H. Fischer

I'm thankful for:
  1. having self control
  2. becoming more self aware. It does help to talk myself down out of anger when I realize it is because I'm trying to control a situation that cannot be controlled
  3. having a sense of humor that I can laugh at my children even if what they're doing is wrong
  4. sitting near other noisy children at church so I can at least pretend my children were not the only loud ones
  5. Christian's desire to spend time with his Grandma & Grandpa, & calling Grandma to talk to her about it
  6. taking a much needed nap today
  7. the kids bringing me flowers after their walk with Daddy
  8. Thomas not scratching much today
  9. hope that eliminating all legumes will make a huge difference for Thomas
  10. making yummy chicken tortilla soup and enough to last me several meals


It will be interesting to see if the kids read this when they grow up.

. . . It's not that I don't have a lot to be thankful for with each of them, but Thomas' allergies consume so much of my time right now that I cannot help but be thankful for each little piece of progress in his life. Praise God for the wisdom he has given me lately and I wait with anticipation to see how eliminating beans from my diet changes his quality of life.
I'm thankful for:
  1. Isaac being here and the joy he brought to the kids
  2. Thomas slept without crying, woke for a few minutes but then miraculously went back to sleep this morning's nap, (he usually sleeps about 30 minutes if at all)
  3. celebrating new life at a baby shower this afternoon - not to mention having some time away just me and T
  4. Thomas behavior was spectacular at the baby shower
  5. preparing a nice dinner for company coming over
  6. spending a great evening with Taun and Nick
  7. celebrating Taun's birthday with her
  8. Taun and Nick playing with the C's
  9. no fussy time for Thomas tonight because he enjoyed the company of Taun and Nick so much
  10. Thomas going to sleep all day with no crying!!!


"Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is . . .

. . . too small to be made into a burden." -Corrie ten Boom, Clippings from My Notebook
I'm thankful for:
  1. recognizing that I have not been consistent in expecting immediate obedience, evidenced by the lack of cooperation from my children this morning to get out the door quickly
  2. squeezing in a trip to the grocery store early this morning
  3. not totally losing my mind in order to keep on our tight schedule
  4. getting the hang of holding Clara over a public toilet with minimal touching (yuck) and holding Thomas at the same time without dropping either of them. Thank goodness for handicapped stalls that will hold all 4 of us!
  5. Scott going out of his way to do a last minute synthetic oil change for us
  6. Harmony taking pictures of Thomas
  7. Thomas smiling nicely for pictures in spite of being super tired
  8. Jennie keeping the kids for me while I took Thomas for his photos
  9. I found a new one! Beans!!! I figured out the pattern and then put some refried beans on Thomas' skin. Wala! A hive! Hurray! One step closer to fixing this kid.
  10. Jeff's coming home tonight and Isaac is spending the night. The kids are SOOO excited!