
. . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

. . . for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also. -Matthew 6:20-21
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff cleaning the shower
  2. time alone mowing the lawn
  3. Jeff spending individual time with the kids
  4. Thomas allowing Jeff to put him down for a nap and going to sleep well
  5. a quiet afternoon with sleeping children
  6. playing Spiderman Memory with Clara
  7. the fact that Jeff and I are usually on the same page as parents
  8. a low key freelance job coming together
  9. trying not to put too much value in our home and possessions
  10. watching Jeff play "bowling" with my exercise ball and the kids as pins

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