
"In the Christian life it is important to understand that our highest success is not measured by the effect we have upon others,

. . . but strictly by our obedience to God." -http://www.familyministries.com/HS_Crisis.htm
I'm thankful for:
  1. a nearly perfect morning. Got up early, exercised, read my bible, showered, ate . . . all before the kids got up!
  2. getting my morning chores done early
  3. making homemade popcorn with the kids
  4. talking with friends can help me get through the grumps (when the kids are resting or occupied)
  5. reading refreshing ideas on why to be creative with the kids
  6. the kid's first swim lesson. Christian was so much braver than I expected!
  7. encouraging the kids and trying to be uplifting to them about even the little accomplishments
  8. Clara telling me I need to put on my happy face when I'm getting upset
  9. Jeff explaining Thomas is "special needs" and that we need to treat him that way in regards to helping him sleep. Helped me to have perspective and not be discouraged that he needs to be comforted asleep. I suppose we'll break whatever habits he's created after we're through this mess.
  10. feeling the pull in not so subtle ways to work on my art and stop pushing it aside for everything else. (chapter I read last night on the importance of creativity, blog I read today about being a faithful steward of my time to devote to creativity, friend posting new photos of artworks in progress on FB). Ah, I want so much to do this but it just seems so hard to fit it in right now. I must push myself beyond what I think I can do. It worked with the chore list, nightly laundry. I shouldn't be discouraged. I know it can be done. Will plan for working it in.
    *Make that one more. After posting, I ran across a note a friend put on his FB page about "Art, Faith, and Humanity. . .to engage the culture". Just knock me on the head with a 2x4 next time.

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