
I have learned the secret of . . .

. . . being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. -Philippians 4:12
As I struggle with irritation at my noisy world I desire to be more like Paul. I'm thankful for:
  1. holding a sleepy baby after a long night of screaming
  2. the active imaginations of my 2 older children
  3. playing the silly face game with the kids
  4. handling the screaming fits with grace and love
  5. Scott being at our renters as they told him about a sprinkler problem which he was able to fix immediately.
  6. Dad calling
  7. finding out we owe less on our house than I anticipated and getting refinancing started
  8. finally reading something that isn't trying to "better myself". Sometimes you just need to escape for a bit
  9. Jeff playing with the kids - even Thomas pretending to be a "bad guy". The mock walking was hilarious!
  10. reading some reassuring parental advice (http://www.vitafamiliae.com/?p=1550) forwarded by my friend Harmony

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