
Who made you?

. . . A: God
What else did God make? A: All things
Why did God make you and all things? A: For His own glory
What a gorgeous day today, basking in the glory of God's creation.
I'm thankful for:
  1. having our friends D', Tyler and Cody spend the night last night
  2. Christian, Clara & Tyler playing so nicely together
  3. that awful buzzy overstimulated excess caffeine feeling finally going away
  4. Thomas taking a great nap this afternoon with minimal crying
  5. enjoying the most amazing Arizona weather with my children outside
  6. searching for ladybugs with the kids outside
  7. a great week and being able to see how my own good attitude is reflected in how my children are treating me and each other
  8. Jeff is finally home!!!
  9. Thomas' joyful attitude and ease to sleep tonight
  10. for being able to appreciate all the beauty surrounding me today!

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