
Today I had to choose between . . .

. . . my health and putting my baby's in jeopardy or at the least, a good chance of making his life miserable for the next 10 days.
In spite of this, I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff commiserating with me in the middle of the night after another rough night with Thomas
  2. Clara being so proactive in picking out her clothes each day - even if they don't match

  3. finally someone willing to tell me exactly what I need to know about the risks and what to do if the latest round of antibiotics causes problems for Thomas
  4. little Alexander not appearing to have allergies
  5. Jeff getting something necessary taken care of that I (hopefully) no longer have to worry about
  6. although irritable & cranky today I did not lose my temper
  7. Thomas first time exploring a basket of toys
  8. Thomas sitting up without hands touching the ground
  9. Clara and Christian tickling each other and other shenanigans on the bed
  10. Jeff making grilled cheese and having a special time eating on the couch watching hoops with the kids

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