
I'm going to take a break from updating the blog daily;

. . . it has served me well for the last 6 months and now I can confidently say that I've felt a permanent impact on my life. I am thankful that God gave me the wisdom to see this light out of depression, and to help me to rely on Him above myself. I wish I could say that now I've figured out how to turn to God first above myself, but with time I pray I can say that more often.

I will update the blog as I see the need to do so, particularly if I find myself reverting back to a discontented attitude or on particularly joyful or challenging days. This does not mean that everything in life is going smoothly, or that I've learned how to enjoy every day, but I'm finding more and more ways to deal with the challenges and to appreciate my life more. I pray if anyone happens upon this blog that they can be inspired to look beyond their own everyday and see (sometimes hidden) within each day and situation all the wonderful things that it is filled with.

I'm thankful for:
  1. hearing Christian tell Clara she's his best friend
  2. Clara having a dry pullup this morning
  3. Thomas hopefully turning a new leaf and waking happy and playful in his crib the last few mornings
  4. Thomas clearly feeling better and less itchy
  5. enjoying a nice lunch with my friend Taun
  6. getting my passport photo taken in the hopes Jeff and I can take a nice trip to Mexico later this year
  7. Clara putting her arms around me and telling me she loves me
  8. hopefully the last time Thomas gets hives from something I ate
  9. Christian saying I'm going to eat dirt, because at least it showed he has been paying attention to the Genesis 3 readings we did last week
  10. this blog and how well it has served me for the last 168 faithful days

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