
I'm not particularly clever . . .

. . . as a writer, at least. But, I'm hoping this blog will serve me as a battlefield against post-partum depression and the often seemingly mundane and monotonous existence that can be that of a stay at home mom. In actuality I am so very blessed and I irritate myself that I can feel burdened instead of grateful. Here's an opportunity for perspective!

So, that being said, today I am thankful for:

  1. Thomas not being miserable despite the fact that he looked like he should be.
  2. Thomas seeing the allergist without having to wait and we were able to find that he is allergic to dairy & eggs.
  3. finding the time to sew a button on my pants.
  4. hearing Thomas stop crying and looking to see that it's because Clara started rubbing his back.
  5. overhearing Christian call Clara "sweetheart".
  6. Clara coming into my bedroom at 5:40am because it gave me the motivation to exercise.
  7. Clara reciting parts of the catachism on her own . . . she is listening!
  8. eating fresh strawberries & blueberries in January!
  9. wearing a smaller pant size without being too muffin-topish.
  10. staying even tempered. Well, at least until bedtime.

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