
"It would seem that something which means poverty, disorder and violence every single day should be . . .

. . . avoided entirely, but the desire to beget children is a natural urge." -Phyllis Diller
I'm thankful for:
  1. this new ritual with the kids of a tea party outside in the morning
  2. a reassuring conversation with Dr Mitra about Thomas' allergies
  3. Christian giving Clara a hug when she was very upset after being disciplined. He told her "hugs always make me feel better"
  4. Clara giving Thomas a pacifier to try to help him when he was crying
  5. an impromptu play-date with Melissa, Christian and Mary
  6. Melissa offering to keep Christian while I took Clara & Thomas home to nap. What a blessing!
  7. Clara and Thomas finally falling asleep in the car and transferring easily back to bed
  8. not losing my mind during the hour and half of crying from Thomas and screaming from the kids
  9. Jeff taking the C's to the soccer park to play and fly a kite after dinner
  10. Thomas enjoying rice crispies without choking on them

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