
How could a man physically or emotionally adjust to such dramatic changes?

He was a man who had an amazing ability to trust God - and that is the answer. Community Bible Study Genesis Lesson 25, part 2 re: Joseph and the changes he experienced
I'm thankful for:
  1. Tom & Mary Kay entertaining the kids
  2. Thomas not getting his socks off his hands last night, despite having a hard time sleeping
  3. Tom fixing the hoop
  4. being able to juggle holding Thomas and Clara while she went potty at Costco, without dropping either one!
  5. Clara behaving herself at Costco
  6. that my kids want to spend time with me
  7. a nice call from my friend Krista checking in on me
  8. Thomas going straight to sleep tonight
  9. some clear signs that I'm not taking good enough care of myself
  10. more help with getting some stuff together

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