
"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living.

. . . We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." -Dale Carnegie
I'm thankful for:
  1. oh my goodness! Thomas finally slept during naptime without me rocking him, without waking after 30 minutes, without screaming and getting his mitts off. It is truly a miracle!
  2. Shea being so kind as to move our light fixture for us because we asked but not because it was put in incorrectly
  3. my precocious little girl! Clara made a loud noise today and said "that's obnoxious!"
  4. mowing the lawn. Because it needed it, because it gave me some quiet time to myself, because I enjoyed the physical labor
  5. putting toys in Thomas' crib with him. He didn't sleep this afternoon, but at least he didn't scream the whole time
  6. Thomas being so happy in spite of not sleeping
  7. recognizing before it happened that Christian was taking the golf club for the sole purpose of hitting Clara
  8. the sheer joy on the kids faces when they were playing in the pool
  9. good conversations with friends
  10. the knowledge that this crazy life is just a season and we will get through it and it wont last forever


"It would seem that something which means poverty, disorder and violence every single day should be . . .

. . . avoided entirely, but the desire to beget children is a natural urge." -Phyllis Diller
I'm thankful for:
  1. this new ritual with the kids of a tea party outside in the morning
  2. a reassuring conversation with Dr Mitra about Thomas' allergies
  3. Christian giving Clara a hug when she was very upset after being disciplined. He told her "hugs always make me feel better"
  4. Clara giving Thomas a pacifier to try to help him when he was crying
  5. an impromptu play-date with Melissa, Christian and Mary
  6. Melissa offering to keep Christian while I took Clara & Thomas home to nap. What a blessing!
  7. Clara and Thomas finally falling asleep in the car and transferring easily back to bed
  8. not losing my mind during the hour and half of crying from Thomas and screaming from the kids
  9. Jeff taking the C's to the soccer park to play and fly a kite after dinner
  10. Thomas enjoying rice crispies without choking on them


And we know that in all things God works for . . .

. . . the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28
I'm thankful for:
  1. finding Clara & Christian giggling & cuddling together this morning when I went to get them up
  2. having enough time to empty and reload the dishwasher before leaving for our crazy day
  3. flattering comments from the ladies at bible study
  4. seeing one way God is using Thomas' allergy problems to show me that I cannot solve or research my way through a problem but instead must rely on His perfect plan
  5. a little break at home while Christian is at school and the others are sleeping
  6. Christian's preschool
  7. Thomas not having to undergo allergy testing today, for his own sake even if it would have been nice to have some more ideas of what's going on
  8. going out to dinner as a family - that has been a long time
  9. Christian and Clara wanting me to put them to bed and snuggle every night. It can be frustrating but it's nice to know how much they care.
  10. Jeff helping Thomas to go to sleep tonight


"When the head aches,

. . . all the body is worse." -English Proverb
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas sleeping until 5:00am; I was not optimistic of him sleeping well considering the way he looked last night
  2. overhearing Christian giving Clara a hug on the couch and telling her he loves her
  3. getting an appointment with an allergist for tomorrow afternoon. I'm hopeful the testing will reveal more reasons why he's been breaking out in hives so much
  4. GREAT news for my dear friend and the court ruling in their favor
  5. Thomas taking a good 2nd nap. I know this is repetitive but it has been such a problem and the poor little guy so needs his sleep!
  6. for remembering that even though I have a nasty headache today there used to be a time when I had them several times a week instead of several times a year
  7. Thomas kissing Clara and Christian today
  8. seeing my children growing and changing in all ways. This gives me reassurance that they will outgrow their "issues".
  9. the combination of Benadryl and fresh air helping Thomas to not scratch
  10. Clara encouraging Christian to be brave while getting his haircut tonight . . . and he was!


"Sleep is the golden chain that ties . . .

. . . health and our bodies together." -Thomas Dekker
I'm thankful for:
  1. surviving a very tough, sleepless night without feeling grumpy or completely out of whack and Jeff's help in trying to keep all the kids in bed or back to bed
  2. pancake/rice crispies breakfast to celebrate the Lord's day today
  3. sharing our day with Uncle Chad and Aunt Laurel
  4. the turkey chili I made the other day so I could eat lunch without feeling burdened with figuring out what to eat
  5. getting the big blind hung in our bedroom
  6. the kids adoring their aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins so much
  7. a delicious Mexican meal at the Brower house filled with things I can eat
  8. playing Nertz! What a joy it is to play with the Wodrich/Brower and, this time, Culver family
  9. the personal sacrifice Jeff made allowing me to stay and play Nertz, while knowing that he would have to stay up extra late tonight to get his work done
  10. successfully transferring all 3 sleeping children from car to bed without waking any of them


"The informality of family life is . . .

. . . a blessed condition that allows us to become our best while looking our worst." -Marge Kennedy
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids playing so nice together more often than not lately

  2. more tea time play with the kids
  3. Thomas acting fairly well in spite of an increase in hives the last several days

  4. this amazing late April weather for Phoenix! This must be the first time I've ever had windows open this late in the year.
  5. the document my dad sent on Greek Easter. Very interesting and nostalgic. I'm glad I took the time to read it somewhat close to Easter.
  6. Clara's spontaneous singing and Thomas chiming in with her. So very sweet!
  7. Jeff getting some work done in the garage
  8. Clara and Thomas helping me "cook" in the kitchen
  9. Wodrich family get-togethers!
  10. Uncle Chad and Aunt Laurel coming to visit


"Vitality shows in not only the ability to . . .

. . . persist but the ability to start over." F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'm thankful for:
  1. having a good week and a half of sleep at night without Thomas waking up!
  2. getting 6 loads of laundry folded and finished
  3. taking a break from chores and sitting down to a tea party with the kids
  4. Thomas playing so nicely by himself most of the time
  5. each day is a do-over of the other one. Today I am anxious for tomorrow's do-over.
  6. Christian's incredible golf swing and interest in sports
  7. Clara trying to clean up after herself after her accident
  8. snuggling with Christian at naptime and both of us catching a little nap
  9. catching up on emails and bills because I stayed focused!
  10. my mom


I'm determined to stop living vicariously, feeling wistful of others lives, and instead . . .

. . . to spend more time living my life to the fullest.
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids having so much fun playing tea party
  2. the first good morning nap for Thomas in a long time that did not involve a lot of screaming
  3. a smoothly running morning
  4. making turkey chili for me to eat over the course of several meals. Ahhh, to not have to worry about it each day!
  5. that the kids go to time out on their own usually since it allows me to calm down before addressing them and the issue
  6. taco night - the kids love making their tacos!
  7. a good review at Christian's first parent/teacher conference
  8. Thomas' skin looking so great without using the steroid creams and in spite of having some hives the last few days
  9. getting some progress made on some freelance work
  10. a desire to stop living vicariously through others and instead face my own life. Now, to put that into practice. Feels harder than it sounds.


"I am convinced that life is . . .

. . . 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.” -Charles R. Swindoll

I'm thankful for:
  1. all my FaceBook friends moral support w/cooking
  2. Thomas falling asleep this afternoon. If we could just get his mornings worked out now.
  3. Clara staying in her bed the last 2 nights and 3 naps without getting out at all
  4. Courtney coming to visit
  5. the kids cooperating (for the most part) with allowing me to clean up a bit
  6. Thomas enjoying the older kids so much!
  7. Christian not getting real hurt when hit with the golf club
  8. playing wrestle, tickle & chase with the kids
  9. bedtime for the kids
  10. the delight of good company tonight


"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if . . .

. . . God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." -Voltaire
I'm thankful for:
  1. Clara staying in her big girl bed last night
  2. getting my bible study finished before I left this morning
  3. my bible study. I feel so grounded there!
  4. wisdom to know that Clara's accidents the last few days may be because of a urinary tract infection
  5. Christian asking Clara to play with him "forever"
  6. my friend Shannon liking one of the designs I did
  7. making a great meal - my body was craving something healthy, even if I was the only one who appreciated it
  8. Jeff playing with the kids and the little pool in the backyard
  9. preparing for company
  10. Jeff being home and his help he gives when he's here


“If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy,

. . . the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world -C.S. Lewis
I'm thankful for:
  1. a great run this morning even though I didn't want to get out of bed
  2. Thomas' skin looking so nice this morning
  3. seeing hot air balloons for the first time from our new house
  4. Christian saying he believes in God and believes that Jesus is God's son at breakfast
  5. Christian and Clara playing Tea Party together outside
  6. Shea agreeing to move our light fixture in our kitchen for us even though it was installed correctly according to their specs
  7. Christian putting his hand on me and saying "I'm going to say a prayer to God for Thomas" during Thomas crazy hour of screaming
  8. Christian wanting to put in a Baby Einstein movie to help calm Thomas down - and it worked!
  9. Thomas being without socks or SkidPants and he barely scratched his legs
  10. getting to go out by myself to see my Aunt Esther, eat french fries and grocery shop by myself


"People who say they sleep like a baby . . .

. . . usually don't have one." -Leo J. Burke
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas falling asleep last night without my intervention, even if it took a really long time, he did it on his own!
  2. Thomas' hive outbreak today reminding me that he has been doing a lot better lately and to stay diligent in eating right and watching him closely.
  3. working more on my meal plans and help from others to put it together
  4. Clara's nice long nap today
  5. making plans for trip out of work to escape our summer heat
  6. my friend Courtney coming to visit! Yay!
  7. the blessing of having Jeff in town this weekend - and he hung some of our new blinds!!!
  8. Jeff's desire to be with us even if he has to be gone often
  9. being able to help someone else suffering from the consequences of being a perfectionist. It's such a blessing to be able to help and at the same time become self aware and work towards solving my own issues.
  10. Thomas went to sleep tonight without crying at all! With the way things have been going lately this is seriously a miracle.


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than . . .

. . . to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff being home
  2. Jeff taking the C's out to run errands and get lunch
  3. Thomas sleeping well for several nights in a row, even if naps aren't going so hot
  4. working on some designs
  5. our blinds finally came in!!! Just in time for the heat!
  6. the fact that this crazy diet has allowed me to expand my picky pallet. I might even say I'm not very picky anymore.
  7. biting my tongue on an irritation rather than expressing it and starting an argument that would do nothing. Oh, that can be so hard!
  8. walking away
  9. a room to go to for solitude
  10. a frustrating day. It reminds me that my usual days aren't so bad.


"Babies are always . . .

. . . more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful." -Charles Osgood
I'm thankful for:
  1. getting some cleaning done around the house and spending quality time with the kids
  2. Thomas finally going to sleep this morning
  3. a great email from an old friend to refocus and get perspective on parenting
  4. limiting my online time today
  5. Thomas falling asleep this afternoon without crying or needing me to rock him
  6. Christian remembering S+H=sh sound and C+K=single k sound
  7. starting reading The Chronicles of Narnia with the kids
  8. Christian wanting me to read the 2nd chapter of Chronicles after I'd finished the first
  9. Jeff coming home tonight
  10. Clara wanting to give me a hug when I was sad about Thomas 1 1/2 of nonstop screaming. It was so sweet and did help to cheer me up a bit.


"There was a never a child so lovely . . .

. . . but his mother was glad to get him to sleep." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking to a chilly house one last time this season
  2. another good night of sleep for Thomas, unmedicated
  3. big sloppy wet kisses from Thomas
  4. a great time with our friends the Hahnes
  5. Christian peddling and having such a good time on the tricycle with Christian H.
  6. a sweet mom of one of Christian's classmates who made me a nursing coverup
  7. Clara's potty accident because it motivated me to bathe my children
  8. the privilege of being able to pray for my dear friend and the hope that we will see an end to her struggles soon
  9. getting the kids to bed early - please let them get more sleep tonight!
  10. Thomas sweet demeanor, because his situation would be so much more challenging if he were fussier than he already is


"A child is a curly dimpled lunatic." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'm thankful for:
  1. 3 days in a row of exercise and 3 nights in a row of Thomas sleeping well (last night without medication)
  2. how funny our little children are (Clara came out of timeout naked today. ??!?!?!)
  3. Jeff being home a few days of the last several weeks and next one, too!
  4. working more on menu planning. For those who cook, this is no big deal, but for me this is a HUGE deal!
  5. seeing how God is using a bad decision for some good involving someone I care about
  6. a reminder of how precious our eyesight is after Christian thought it would be a good idea to use the squirty part of the soap dispenser as a magnifying glass
  7. Thomas having a great sleep day and a happy boy because of it!
  8. everyone working as a team at the grocery store and Pei Wei to go fast, stay close, hold hands and not throw fits
  9. Christian & Clara performing a "show" tonight for the first time (of probably many), complete with "ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls"
  10. enjoying some snuggle time with the kids at bedtime


"The great danger for family life, in the midst of . . .

. . . any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish." -Pope John Paul II
I'm thankful for:
  1. another great run today and pushing myself to keep going after I felt ready to quit
  2. Christian's attitude staying better with less outbursts for the last several days
  3. Clara being a good girl at bible study
  4. a desire to allow others to enjoy the bible study luncheons since I cannot eat. Kind of funny how God works. I selfishly never wanted to miss the luncheons and He has shown me how I can bless others instead.
  5. working on some meal planning so we can all eat healthier!
  6. getting Thomas to stop crying after an hour of scratching and crying
  7. Jeff taking the kids out for pizza and leaving me with a quiet house
  8. Thomas falling asleep in my lap after not napping all day. I just pray he sleeps tonight.
  9. more cool days ahead - this is an unbelievable springtime in Arizona
  10. a desire to challenge my heart, grow and improve myself in every way


"Honest criticism is hard to take,

. . . particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger." -Franklin P. Jones
I'm thankful for:
  1. constructive criticism and a desire to work towards making things better
  2. getting up early to go for a run (the first in 6 months!) and seeing a beautiful Arizona sunrise
  3. hearing happy chatter from Thomas before I went to get him up this morning
  4. Christian and Clara playing so nice together
  5. limiting my time on the computer and getting more done/spending more time with the kids
  6. some great playtimes with the kids
  7. making it through keeping the kids quiet for Jeff to have an important phone call. That was a tough one!
  8. reading time with Christian and patience when he didn't get sounding out sh
  9. Christian's desire to know more about Jesus dieing on the cross and what that means
  10. Jeff playing with the kids after dinner and helping to get them ready for bed


Christos Anesti!

Alithos Anesti! (He has risen, indeed!)
I'm thankful for:
  1. the real reason for celebrating this day - Christ's resurrection!
  2. the delightful squeals of our children hunting for eggs and baskets
  3. that Mom and Dad happened to be with Ann Marie when Kramer died today
  4. Thomas seeming relatively unaffected in spite of my cheating and eating some malted milk balls - but not an excuse to do that again
  5. planning and preparing a real meal! I need to do this more often.
  6. remembering that this holiday is not about me but instead it's about the reason for the celebration.
  7. Jeff decorating crosses and playing with the kids
  8. Christian running to his room to calm himself down before having an outburst
  9. Christian coaching Clara to say "He has risen indeed" after he said "Christ has risen"
  10. some revelations that even though I'm doing a lot better I have a long way to go. It's sad when I feel like I'm 85% better but then am told that I'm "angry all the time" - and this from the man who sees me least angry of all. More reasons to look to God for help.


"Our old history ends with the cross;

. . . our new history begins with the resurrection. " -Watchman Nee
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking to the sound of rain and cloudy day
  2. the feeling of the morning - kind of dark and, as my friend Carlene stated, contemplative
  3. snuggling on the couch with Thomas
  4. Jeff taking Christian shopping all day - I missed them, but what a good time for them to have together
  5. coming up with a general menu for Easter (not even close to my forte)
  6. a great, undisturbed nap
  7. envying my sister and parents spending time together; what a blessing to want to be around your own family
  8. walking outside in the chilly drizzle to get the mail. What an amazing Arizona April!
  9. playing puzzles with Clara and making animal sounds - I regret squandering most of the day to my laziness but glad we could treasure some time together
  10. the way I felt when seeing Christian after he'd been gone from me all day!


"No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. "

-William Penn
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking early to the sound of birds chirping and a cool morning
  2. the kids making a mess with their hot chocolate and I didn't freak out about it!
  3. hearing Christian being earnestly sorry when he broke out in anger at Clara in room time and seeking her forgiveness
  4. getting the house straightened (mostly) without it feeling like it kept me from playing with the kids
  5. spending time with Christian reading Peg the Hen on Starfall.com. He sounded it all out! He's really starting to get it!
  6. unclogging the ducts . . . again
  7. Thomas rolling across the room, getting in crawl position and rocking back and forth!
  8. another good day for Christian, albeit not quite as good as yesterday, but no screaming, door slamming or name calling
  9. a really really cool Arizona spring. Beautiful!
  10. Jeff coming home and playing games with the kids


Christian has behaved so much better today, that he's like a . . .

. . . totally different child. So, I asked him what changed that he's handling everything so much better. He answered me without any hesitation "It's because God took away my sin". WOW
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas sleeping all night!
  2. waking up and getting out of my shower without hearing the unpleasant sounds of unhappy, screaming children
  3. painting with the kids. Now, if only I could do it without the mess making me so grumpy!

  4. Thomas falling asleep for nap this morning & afternoon without much crying!
  5. Christian behaving SO well today! No awful outbursts, screaming or door slamming!
  6. Thomas liking Baby Einstein (his first time watching). I have some hope for a peaceful time while I make dinner. At least it's nice to hear background music among the screaming.

  7. Christian sharing the gospel with Clara and Thomas
  8. Christian's happiness today and the joy its brought to us all.
  9. knowledge that I need to stay focused on my home & children during the day and spend less time online. How hard that can be when I desire a diversion from the norm!
  10. that the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ has been at the forefront of my mind. Hurray for Easter!!!


I have learned the secret of . . .

. . . being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. -Philippians 4:12
As I struggle with irritation at my noisy world I desire to be more like Paul. I'm thankful for:
  1. holding a sleepy baby after a long night of screaming
  2. the active imaginations of my 2 older children
  3. playing the silly face game with the kids
  4. handling the screaming fits with grace and love
  5. Scott being at our renters as they told him about a sprinkler problem which he was able to fix immediately.
  6. Dad calling
  7. finding out we owe less on our house than I anticipated and getting refinancing started
  8. finally reading something that isn't trying to "better myself". Sometimes you just need to escape for a bit
  9. Jeff playing with the kids - even Thomas pretending to be a "bad guy". The mock walking was hilarious!
  10. reading some reassuring parental advice (http://www.vitafamiliae.com/?p=1550) forwarded by my friend Harmony


It is well, it is well . . .

. . . with my soul.
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas still looking good for the 2nd day
  2. Lariate coming to sharing day at my bible study
  3. coming home to the house straightened from Tom and Mary Kay today
  4. Jeff being home for 3 days this week
  5. Thomas behaving so nicely in spite of not sleeping much today
  6. wisdom from others on a better strategy for handling Christian's behavior
  7. watching Clara run around in excitement for Janet's birthday cake. I love how adorable 2 year olds are!
  8. visiting with the Fild's and getting to know them better
  9. Jennie going out of her way to make things I could eat tonight. It was like a feast! What a blessing!
  10. 3 sleeping monkeys in the car and an easy transition to bed


“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. . .

. . . To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” -St Thomas Aquinas
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff helping Clara with her croup last night while I slept
  2. getting to go to the grocery store by myself
  3. Tom & Mary Kay's help today
  4. Thomas being ok when Clara threw the big truck at his head
  5. being more consistent in discipline even if Christian's behavior is still at his worst
  6. Thomas' mobility - I think he can get anywhere he wants with some effort
  7. Jeff getting Thomas belly laughing. I'm sorry I missed it!
  8. help from Jeff in dealing with Christian's behavior today
  9. all kids going to sleep easily tonight
  10. my faith and being reminded today that through adversity God is growing my character, and hopefully also that of my little monkeys, too


“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”

I'm thankful for:
  1. not losing my mind with Clara as she misbehaved in church
  2. a fun time with out church family
  3. getting to know members of our church family better
  4. everyone pitching in and taking out trash, cleaning our dishes. Sooo nice!
  5. Christian and Clara behaving themselves well during the party
  6. knowledge and learning from others . . . has Thomas developed a new allergy to oatmeal?
  7. a clean house
  8. God developing my character and that of my children no matter how painful it can be
  9. Jeff being here to comfort Clara in her hysteria
  10. a special treat of chocolate and wine


In his heart a man plans his course,

. . . but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas looking the best he ever has when he got up this morning
  2. getting the house clean
  3. help from Mary Kay & Tom in getting the house clean
  4. good conversations with Mary Kay about the trials of being a mom
  5. getting to see and meet the newer members of the Fild family
  6. good conversations with Janet about home-schooling
  7. all the kids getting along well
  8. less meltdowns from Christian
  9. an easy cleanup after having everyone over today
  10. snuggling with Alexander


If absense makes the heart grow fonder,

that would make me so very fond of Jeff. And I am!
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas waking in the night was for a "normal" baby problem - getting his leg stuck in the crib. What a relief he wasn't scratching holes in his skin.
  2. the threat of mastitis relieved. Praise Jesus!
  3. Mary Kay watching the kids while I reorganized the kids' closet and cleaned the room
  4. Christian taking a nap today. Please God, let that be the source of the behavior problems
  5. Thomas taking 2 great naps today
  6. going to Target on my own!
  7. Clara loving on Thomas
  8. finding a chocolate I can eat at the store
  9. making something yummy for dinner
  10. Jeff coming home tonight


How could a man physically or emotionally adjust to such dramatic changes?

He was a man who had an amazing ability to trust God - and that is the answer. Community Bible Study Genesis Lesson 25, part 2 re: Joseph and the changes he experienced
I'm thankful for:
  1. Tom & Mary Kay entertaining the kids
  2. Thomas not getting his socks off his hands last night, despite having a hard time sleeping
  3. Tom fixing the hoop
  4. being able to juggle holding Thomas and Clara while she went potty at Costco, without dropping either one!
  5. Clara behaving herself at Costco
  6. that my kids want to spend time with me
  7. a nice call from my friend Krista checking in on me
  8. Thomas going straight to sleep tonight
  9. some clear signs that I'm not taking good enough care of myself
  10. more help with getting some stuff together


I've decided to stop . . .

posting. April Fools!
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas sleeping well last night
  2. a quiet house when I woke this morning
  3. finally getting around to some things around here. Sure helps when company is coming to motivate yourself.
  4. Tom & Mary Kay coming in and playing with the kids right off the bat. What a blessing for the kids . . . and me!
  5. having help keeping Thomas happy during his fussy time
  6. Jeff coming home tonight
  7. playing sea monster with the kids
  8. help with cleaning the kitchen
  9. Jeff giving the kids special treats
  10. a special prayer for Christian