
WOW, this was a rough day . . .

. . . the worse since I started my Thanks journal, but I'm reminded of Paul's struggles in Roman's 7:18-19: 18 And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[d] I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.

I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas waking up early - it gave me time to do my bible study uninterrupted
  2. having a few extra minutes to use shampoo and conditioner in the shower this morning . . . and blow-dry my hair
  3. Christian and Clara being in time out at the same time because it gave me the opportunity to steam my kitchen floors
  4. playing pretend that I was a baby. It allowed me to lay down and rest and at the same time play with the kids.
  5. Thomas' skin looking almost miraculously better today!
  6. making good headway on my blog design
  7. Clara kept safe when she ran into the parking lot at Christian's preschool while I loaded Thomas in the car
  8. the reminder that yelling at Christian to talk nice to his sister is less affective than being a good example of talking nice
  9. my headache going away
  10. that this was the first awful day since starting the blog. I think that's a serious accomplishment considering initially most days were "awful" prior to focusing on my thankfulness
The bottom line is that I cannot afford to be selfish when I have 3 kids 4 and under and a husband who travels every week. This is the time in my life for sacrifice and I kid myself if I think I can do things I want to do and be a "good mommy" at the same time. Once I can fully grasp that I think I will be less unhappy and resentful that I can't do the things I "want" to do. I sure hope that I grow wiser this 34th year of my life!

1 comment:

  1. I think we have to be really careful with the definition of the word "selfish", LOL!

    Even Jesus took time to go away from his friends and responsiblities to recharge. Just make sure you're not loving your neighbors BETTER than you're loving yourself.

    That being said, you're right that you will never have another season of your life that demands so much physical energy. And it's hard.

    You are, however, more than equipped to do this :-). Hang in there!

    P.S. You're benefitting from the same pep talk I had to give MYSELF yeserday afternoon....and all of mine are (mostly) out of diapers.
