
So, this wasn't one of the better days . . .

. . . but it certainly could have been worse, and 10 days ago, it probably would have been. I'm thankful for:
  1. the knowledge that I am forgiven and that I have a new start with every tomorrow
  2. yelling at my kids first thing this morning, since it gave me the opportunity to humble myself before them and seek their forgiveness. Oh, but please, I don't want this to be on the list often!
  3. Community Bible Study which always helps me to regain focus and blesses me in so many ways
  4. Christian wanting to cuddle with me and the sheer joy on his face when I say yes, I do have time
  5. Thomas' test revealing he's not allergic to rice or corn
  6. fritos and guacamole - something yummy I can eat!
  7. Jeff taking the kids to dinner and giving me some time to myself
  8. being able to eat Pei Wei gluton free Spicy with Chicken. Yummm!
  9. the amazing things Christian is learning in preschool and his overall sponginess
  10. Clara not being nice at bible study because it gave me the opportunity to teach her the right way to treat others

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...must be in the air as it was a humdinger here, too. Your list encouraged me today!
