
"Lord grant me the patience to endure . . .

. . . my blessings!!" (needlepoint from Aunt Paula's house). That statement epitomizes being a stay at home mom to 3 little "blessings". I'm so thankful today for:
  1. my muscles aching, because it means my efforts in exercising are working
  2. Clara's nose no longer producing a snot-festival
  3. red raspberries I bought at the grocery store
  4. good friends and long phone conversations
  5. the 2 minutes I closed my eyes as I pretended to be a slain dinosaur
  6. having Jeff home, even if he is sick
  7. finding a few more things I can eat. Hurray for Fritos and guacamole!
  8. Thomas' sweetest demeanor in spite of his itchiness. The kid doesn't even squirm or fuss when I cut his fingernails.
  9. those silly 25 things list on FB
  10. a beautiful day outside

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