
"Find something to be thankful for every day . . .

. . . even if it's just for the ability to inhale and exhale" (Heather Nations' in "Nobody likes change - but God says it's for my own good!"). Today, I am thankful for:
  1. the cool morning
  2. Christian staying an extra 20 minutes in reading rest on his own!
  3. naptime so I can refocus and refresh
  4. Christian running around the house yelling "Praise Jesus!"
  5. not completely losing my patience helping Christian with a craft for school
  6. that Christian wanted to play with Clara outside
  7. that once again I'm forced to stay off sweets. Sweets and I have a love hate relationship.
  8. taking it in stride when Clara pooped all over the floor
  9. not losing it AT ALL when Christian had a huge screaming fit which included name calling, and threats of sticking me to the wall with peanut butter (LOL), but instead talking to him with love
  10. Clara not getting out of her bed once tonight

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