- Benadryl working quickly on Thomas
- Thomas being such a sweet soul in spite of his incessant itching
- a day away from the ordinary
- shopping with Melissa and unexpectedly finding some things that fit
- Jeff being so sweet and being able to give me some time away
- finding a salad that I could eat with minor changes at the Yardhouse
- prayers with Christian and Clara
- rocking with Thomas and the sweet baby noises he made
- the knowledge that we have a Dr's appt on Tuesday. He's gotten so bad I dont know what to do on my own.
- falling asleep while I'm typing. Oh, dear sweet sleep!
"God has two dwellings:
. . . one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart." -Izaak Walton
"Lord grant me the patience to endure . . .
. . . my blessings!!" (needlepoint from Aunt Paula's house). That statement epitomizes being a stay at home mom to 3 little "blessings". I'm so thankful today for:
- my muscles aching, because it means my efforts in exercising are working
- Clara's nose no longer producing a snot-festival
- red raspberries I bought at the grocery store
- good friends and long phone conversations
- the 2 minutes I closed my eyes as I pretended to be a slain dinosaur
- having Jeff home, even if he is sick
- finding a few more things I can eat. Hurray for Fritos and guacamole!
- Thomas' sweetest demeanor in spite of his itchiness. The kid doesn't even squirm or fuss when I cut his fingernails.
- those silly 25 things list on FB
- a beautiful day outside
"God must love ordinary people;
. . . he made so many of them!" -Abraham Lincoln. I'm thankful for ordinary people, ordinary days, and:
- having a nearly uninterrupted workout this morning
- immediately apologizing to Christian after yelling at him this morning
- playing the Silly Faces game with Christian & Clara instead of doing something I felt I needed to do
- the reminder of how blessed I am to be in a wonderful marriage with a loving husband
- Clara's angelic face as she slept during naptime
- friend's calling to check on me
- Clara making me laugh by saying the marker that she couldn't find the top for has a "noody top"
- keeping calm most of the day in spite of an environment perfect for a storm
- Thomas rash on his scalp looking a lot better
- Jeff coming home tonight
"Find something to be thankful for every day . . .
. . . even if it's just for the ability to inhale and exhale" (Heather Nations' in "Nobody likes change - but God says it's for my own good!"). Today, I am thankful for:
- the cool morning
- Christian staying an extra 20 minutes in reading rest on his own!
- naptime so I can refocus and refresh
- Christian running around the house yelling "Praise Jesus!"
- not completely losing my patience helping Christian with a craft for school
- that Christian wanted to play with Clara outside
- that once again I'm forced to stay off sweets. Sweets and I have a love hate relationship.
- taking it in stride when Clara pooped all over the floor
- not losing it AT ALL when Christian had a huge screaming fit which included name calling, and threats of sticking me to the wall with peanut butter (LOL), but instead talking to him with love
- Clara not getting out of her bed once tonight
I'm not particularly clever . . .
. . . as a writer, at least. But, I'm hoping this blog will serve me as a battlefield against post-partum depression and the often seemingly mundane and monotonous existence that can be that of a stay at home mom. In actuality I am so very blessed and I irritate myself that I can feel burdened instead of grateful. Here's an opportunity for perspective!
So, that being said, today I am thankful for:
So, that being said, today I am thankful for:
- Thomas not being miserable despite the fact that he looked like he should be.
- Thomas seeing the allergist without having to wait and we were able to find that he is allergic to dairy & eggs.
- finding the time to sew a button on my pants.
- hearing Thomas stop crying and looking to see that it's because Clara started rubbing his back.
- overhearing Christian call Clara "sweetheart".
- Clara coming into my bedroom at 5:40am because it gave me the motivation to exercise.
- Clara reciting parts of the catachism on her own . . . she is listening!
- eating fresh strawberries & blueberries in January!
- wearing a smaller pant size without being too muffin-topish.
- staying even tempered. Well, at least until bedtime.
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