
In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.

. . . From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry. -Jonah 2:1b
I'm thankful for:
  1. sleeping in until 7am - and the kids let us!
  2. Thomas eating his breakfast willingly and well this morning
  3. Thomas getting the hang of the sippy cup a little bit better at lunch
  4. Thomas' skin looking better than it has in a month and him clearly feeling better
  5. Jeff taking each Christian and then Clara out with him by themselves
  6. a "day off" from the norm
  7. my dad taking an interest in his grandkids; sending a card to the kids and calling them
  8. a friend who confides in me and asks thought-provoking spiritual questions. What an honor!
  9. being able to share wisdom and experience with another mom. Never thought I'd be on this end!
  10. alone time with each of my kids

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