
For by grace you have been saved through faith.

. . . And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. -Ephesians 2:8
I'm thankful for:
  1. a week with my sister out here, giving the kids and myself company & relief
  2. my sister spending a lot of one on one time with the kids

  3. the vast growth my sister and I have made in our relationship together through the last several years
  4. my sister's offer and willingness to watch the kids for 24 hours while Jeff and I got a night away
  5. a wonderful night away of relaxation and stress free with Jeff at the WigWam

  6. the new foods I'm able to eat now! Yummmm! Still trying valiantly not to go overboard.
  7. potting more herbs with the kids

  8. Thomas top 4 teeth all coming in at once - at least he'll only suffer once for four.
  9. having a break before Jeff's trip this whole week
  10. the kids desire to help me clean and finding some chores that they can do to help


Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger . . .

. . . but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. -Ephesians 6:4
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids being able to spend such quality time with their grandma & grandpa
  2. the homeschool conference. I'm still not sure what we'll do in the future, but it really gave me some good ideas to consider and refreshed my parenting strategies
  3. talking nicely with the kids instead of losing my temper the last few days
  4. seeing progress in Christian's disobedience the last few days
  5. the bittersweet act of weaning Thomas
  6. eating foods I haven't eaten in 6 months! Pizza, peanut butter, chocolate!
  7. refocusing for the upcoming week
  8. the study our church is doing on the 10 commandments
  9. Thomas starting to get better at drinking from a cup
  10. having a great time with our college/young adult group. What


After such an awful day yesterday . . .

. . . filled with yelling, crying, bad talk and angry hearts I thought it best to work on my thankful list today.
I'm thankful for:
  1. a new start to every day
  2. going to bed early enough last night to work out this morning
  3. the hugs and kisses I'm greeted with to start my day
  4. being amused by things my children say
  5. a new idea . . . to create a blog of funny things my kids say
  6. for Tom & Mary Kay coming up to watch the kids while I go to a homeschool conference tomorrow and Saturday
  7. tickle time and putting puzzles together on the floor with all 3 kids
  8. Thomas amazing improvement sleeping and eating this week
  9. not losing my temper today
  10. Jeff coming home tonight


I'm going to take a break from updating the blog daily;

. . . it has served me well for the last 6 months and now I can confidently say that I've felt a permanent impact on my life. I am thankful that God gave me the wisdom to see this light out of depression, and to help me to rely on Him above myself. I wish I could say that now I've figured out how to turn to God first above myself, but with time I pray I can say that more often.

I will update the blog as I see the need to do so, particularly if I find myself reverting back to a discontented attitude or on particularly joyful or challenging days. This does not mean that everything in life is going smoothly, or that I've learned how to enjoy every day, but I'm finding more and more ways to deal with the challenges and to appreciate my life more. I pray if anyone happens upon this blog that they can be inspired to look beyond their own everyday and see (sometimes hidden) within each day and situation all the wonderful things that it is filled with.

I'm thankful for:
  1. hearing Christian tell Clara she's his best friend
  2. Clara having a dry pullup this morning
  3. Thomas hopefully turning a new leaf and waking happy and playful in his crib the last few mornings
  4. Thomas clearly feeling better and less itchy
  5. enjoying a nice lunch with my friend Taun
  6. getting my passport photo taken in the hopes Jeff and I can take a nice trip to Mexico later this year
  7. Clara putting her arms around me and telling me she loves me
  8. hopefully the last time Thomas gets hives from something I ate
  9. Christian saying I'm going to eat dirt, because at least it showed he has been paying attention to the Genesis 3 readings we did last week
  10. this blog and how well it has served me for the last 168 faithful days


In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.

. . . From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry. -Jonah 2:1b
I'm thankful for:
  1. sleeping in until 7am - and the kids let us!
  2. Thomas eating his breakfast willingly and well this morning
  3. Thomas getting the hang of the sippy cup a little bit better at lunch
  4. Thomas' skin looking better than it has in a month and him clearly feeling better
  5. Jeff taking each Christian and then Clara out with him by themselves
  6. a "day off" from the norm
  7. my dad taking an interest in his grandkids; sending a card to the kids and calling them
  8. a friend who confides in me and asks thought-provoking spiritual questions. What an honor!
  9. being able to share wisdom and experience with another mom. Never thought I'd be on this end!
  10. alone time with each of my kids


Then the LORD God made a woman from . . .

. . . the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. -Genesis 2:22
I'm thankful for:
  1. 10 amazing years married to the love of my life
  2. that I love Jeff and he loves me more even than the day we got married
  3. thinking back on 10 years of love, life and family
  4. attempting to focus us all on using our words in a Godly way
  5. Dr. Mitra telling me I can wean Thomas to rice milk whenever I want!!!
  6. getting Jeff's old box of Lego's out for the kids for the first time
  7. dropping Thomas' lunch feeding. He did not take the cup well, but I could tell he liked the taste of the rice milk and did not have any issue not nursing from me.
  8. trying out making sugar cookies w/o eggs or butter. Not so sure about these, but it was good to try something new.
  9. the beautiful roses Jeff brought home
  10. enjoying a date at home including dinner and a movie with Jeff


So God created man in his own image,

. . . in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27
I'm thankful for:
  1. a good start to the morning
  2. watching Clara and Thomas playing while I snuggled with Christian on the rocking chair
  3. Thomas taking a little nap at least
  4. making silly paper hats with the kids
  5. making at least some progress in getting my sister to fly out here
  6. thinking back on what I was doing or feeling 10 years ago today
  7. the hope that maybe I can wean Thomas sooner than I thought and take a trip with Jeff somewhere special???
  8. conviction of how important our speech is from War of Words (Paul Tripp)
  9. Clara understanding and loving playing "Simon Says"
  10. Thomas going to sleep tonight sans the hour+ of crying


"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound . . .

. . . that saved a wretch like me." -John Newton
I'm thankful for:
  1. another productive morning
  2. encouraging comments from two friends regarding parenting
  3. dropping the late night feeding for Thomas and he sleeps just as long
  4. making carrot soup with the kids from the Carrot Soup book
  5. swimming at the Hahne's in spite of canceled swim lessons
  6. Christian bobbing under the water and trying to hold his breath
  7. Clara loving to jump into the water with me
  8. getting invited to dinner at the Hahne's
  9. trying ribs for maybe? the first time in my life and liking them
  10. overhearing Christian singing Amazing Grace in his bed tonight


"In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and . . .

. . . enough shadows to blind those who don't." -Blaise Pascal
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking up early enough to enjoy some quiet time
  2. having a very productive day
  3. making "telephones" using plastic cups with the kids
  4. the smell of clean sheets, pillows, comforters. So fresh!
  5. Josh's birthday. I'm thankful for a good friend and great pastor!
  6. the little "mirrors" that my children are. It is humbling but at least it helps motivate me to be better.
  7. Clara announcing that she loves Daddy several times today - without him being here
  8. getting the photo book finished . . . just in time!
  9. Jeff consoling Thomas tonight and giving me a break
  10. Jeff enjoying the marinade on the chicken I made. Small victories.


"He who has faith has . . .

. . . an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly." -B.C. Forbes
I'm thankful for:
  1. getting up at 5am as I'd hoped and then running for 30 minutes.
  2. a new personal best time: 3.28 miles in 29'27". I ran my second mile in 8'44"
  3. Clara was pretty good at the store today!
  4. actually having to wake Thomas up from his morning and afternoon naps
  5. Chuck, our Shea home service rep, who pulled strings to get the kids a/c flow to their rooms looked at tomorrow
  6. Thomas' new trick of covering his mouth with his hand while making noise
  7. Jeff coming home early from Tucson
  8. Thomas eating asparagus, salmon and rolls with no hives! He LOVED it!
  9. hearing a friend share kind words about her husband
  10. that I can turn to my Lord and Savior for help and not alcohol or drugs as I've seen so many spiral down. May I never forget that.


"For the love of money is a root of . . .

. . . all kinds of evil." 1 Timothy: 6:10a
I'm thankful for:
  1. Christian reading Dr. Seuss The Foot Book. The first real book he's read!
  2. Thomas first time eating pancakes! Yummmmm!
  3. a desire to be good stewards of our money and working on reconciling our bank accounts
  4. Christian and Clara memorizing Phil 4:13 and the first verse of Amazing Grace
  5. Thomas playing so nicely by himself
  6. this silence punishment for bad talking. So much nicer than hearing the whining, griping, bad mouthing, back talking
  7. Christian wanting to be an artist in spite of me finding it a challenge to organize arts and crafts for them to do
  8. planning for the week ahead
  9. Clara saying "Thomas is my friend"
  10. working on the photo book for last year. I can't believe how much the kids have changed in a year!


"How often we fail to realize our good fortune in . . .

. . . living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy." -Paul Sweeney
I'm thankful for:
  1. living in a free country
  2. celebrating our country's birthday
  3. Thomas sleeping longer today and taking 2 naps!
  4. Jeff taking the kids on a hike
  5. School House Rocks! Classic!
  6. making Independence Day parfaits with the kids

  7. reconnecting with old friends
  8. finishing painting the bedroom
  9. getting some pictures hung tonight
  10. Jeff spending so much time with the kids today so I could finish painting the bedroom


"Our greatest glory is not in never failing,

. . . but in rising up every time we fail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm thankful for:
  1. having Jeff home today
  2. a very spontaneous trip (we ran out the door in 10 minutes) to Cerreta's Candy Company
  3. Jeff being so kind as to take me to Sprout's so I could buy some chocolate that does not have milk in it
  4. a lazy day. I had hoped for more productivity, but I think I needed this.
  5. Clara hugging Thomas and telling him she loves him
  6. potting our herbs with the kids

  7. being right there to scoop Thomas out when he slipped and went under in the tub
  8. the beautiful cloud formations this evening
  9. mmmm. Eating chocolate with a glass of wine to end the evening.
  10. Jeff still has 2 days off!


"Perseverance is the hard work you do after . . .

. . . you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." -Newt Gingrich
I'm thankful for:
  1. spending a terrific day at the Hahne's
  2. surviving parenting on a few hours of sleep
  3. having a friend that I can share hours of conversation with, who takes great care of me and my family, who accepts my eccentricities, and most of all, who shares a love of the Lord
  4. all 6 of our children getting along so well for such a long time
  5. a nice swim in the pool and my children getting braver with each day
  6. Christian being so kind as to play quietly while I took a nap
  7. Jeff making it home before the kids bedtime and him playing with them for a little while before he fell asleep
  8. yummy smell of swordfish burgers - something new to try
  9. the kids going to bed fairly willingly
  10. Jeff has the day off tomorrow for July 4. What a blessing!


"What is a friend?

. . . A single soul dwelling in two bodies." -Aristotle
I'm thankful for:
  1. that pesky fly waking me up again at 5:30. I was able to get up and do all my morning goals.
  2. this overcast day
  3. getting new books to read at the library
  4. Christian sticking up for his sister when I was not treating her as nicely as I should
  5. each of our little seeds sprouting . . . some even ready to replant!
  6. reading time with Christian while the littles were sleeping . . . and he didn't beg me to play on Starfall
  7. Melissa watching the C's for me while I went grocery shopping
  8. Pei Wei for dinner plus a night off from cooking. Yummm!
  9. sharing the evening playing games and enjoying the company of friends
  10. our impromptu sleepover going well