
"Challenge yourself to . . .

. . . find something GOOD in every situation!" -back of the Goldfish crackers
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas being ok in spite of falling off the bed this morning. (Bad Mommy!)
  2. loving my bible study and learning from other people's perspectives in there
  3. getting some things done during naptime
  4. Jeff having spare phones in his office when both of our phones died
  5. a reminder that we can choose how we respond and don't have to be completely driven by emotions, even if I haven't been effective in using it today
  6. using the tactic of "pretend" I'm happy, and it worked to change my attitude. Too bad I waited to employ this until so late in the day.
  7. Thomas sleeping this evening. I hope he sleeps through the night tonight, too.
  8. some time to myself
  9. the Wordscraper games I play with my cousin and the fact that we can still communicate so easily from so far away
  10. Jeff staying in El Paso and getting some rest rather than pushing it to get home. I want him here every night but not at the expense of his health.

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