
"Challenge yourself to . . .

. . . find something GOOD in every situation!" -back of the Goldfish crackers
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas being ok in spite of falling off the bed this morning. (Bad Mommy!)
  2. loving my bible study and learning from other people's perspectives in there
  3. getting some things done during naptime
  4. Jeff having spare phones in his office when both of our phones died
  5. a reminder that we can choose how we respond and don't have to be completely driven by emotions, even if I haven't been effective in using it today
  6. using the tactic of "pretend" I'm happy, and it worked to change my attitude. Too bad I waited to employ this until so late in the day.
  7. Thomas sleeping this evening. I hope he sleeps through the night tonight, too.
  8. some time to myself
  9. the Wordscraper games I play with my cousin and the fact that we can still communicate so easily from so far away
  10. Jeff staying in El Paso and getting some rest rather than pushing it to get home. I want him here every night but not at the expense of his health.


Love is patient, love is kind . . .

. . . it is not irritable or resentful. -1 Cor 13:4, 5b
I'm thankful for:
  1. Christian feeling nearly all better this morning. ? food poisoning
  2. being able to get all the car seats in and get to the store without it being too late
  3. catching Christian before he hit Clara with the broom handle
  4. overhearing Christian ask Clara is she's ok after she hurt herself
  5. that my children want to be with me, even if it sometimes feels overwhelming
  6. being over the food self-pity today
  7. being able to take 10 minutes to go into my room by myself and collect myself
  8. a phone call with my mom
  9. Thomas falling asleep immediately upon laying him down tonight
  10. my children being so quick to forgive my grumpiness


What a blessing to be able to find 10 things to be thankful for . . .

. . . even when our long but fun day ended with Christian throwing up in the car. Typically I keep the list going all day long, but we were gone all day today and so I write this in retrospect. It was truly a good day, with the exception of the ending - it took me no time to look back and think of ways to be thankful.
I'm thankful for:
  1. our weekly pancake breakfast to celebrate the Lord's day
  2. Clara being a good girl at church and sitting so nicely
  3. going to see Emily Pyles and sharing the joy of her arrival with Bill & Amanda
  4. our renters. They are terrific!
  5. Clara catching a little nap in Jeff's arms
  6. hearing that the blog has inspired others to find what to be thankful for each day
  7. celebrating Scott's 40th birthday! Yayy Scott!!!
  8. being able to see Jeff's family. How blessed I am to have great in-laws to share our family with
  9. Karen snuggling with Thomas and getting food together for Clara. She has such a generous heart
  10. that Jeff was with me when Christian threw up in the car. I feel terrible that he had to clean up his work car late at night knowing how much work he had to do, but how much it saved me to not have to worry about getting children cleaned and to bed as well as worrying about a car.


"I am afraid to show you who I really am, because . . .

. . . if I show you who I really am, you might not like it--and that's all I got." -Sabrina Ward Harrison
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff being home
  2. Thomas sleeping 12 hours last night
  3. extra, unexpected benefits to losing weight
  4. the joy my friends the Pyles are experiencing in the birth of their baby Emily
  5. getting some little things done around the house
  6. a great nap for Thomas this morning before I poisoned him by making him re-try peas and thus he became itchy and sleepless
  7. the sweet sounds of Jeff playing with the kids outside
  8. finally getting curtains hung in Thomas' room
  9. help getting the kids to bed
  10. working really hard to push the discouraging, self-pitying thoughts out of my mind


"I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. . .

. . . It makes you very irritated." -Avril Lavigne
I'm thankful for:
  1. Josh being safe in spite of being involved in a 5 car pileup on the freeway yesterday
  2. motivation to finish putting blackout liners on the curtains for Thomas' room
  3. Thomas sleeping through the night in spite of his rashiness
  4. encouragement from friends
  5. getting over my grumpiness tonight
  6. a great conversation with my sister
  7. Thomas clearing up at the end of the day
  8. Thomas' appetite improving
  9. not being so hard on myself in having a grumpy day every once in a while
  10. Jeff comes home tonight


This is a day that the Lord has made . . .

I will rejoice and be glad in it!
I'm thankful for:
  1. squeezing in a workout this morning
  2. teaching Christian how to use the camera so maybe I'll make it into an occasional family picture
  3. Thomas looking much better than yesterday . . . must be allergic to peas
  4. Thomas stopped crying and fell asleep
  5. the advice from D' to help me handle it the right way when Christian was yelling "I hate you!" at me
  6. finding that I've lost 10lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight
  7. Christian finally saying he's sorry and me not mishandling the situation too badly
  8. finally getting some motivation to work on the blackout lining. I feel so domestic!
  9. having dinner with the Hahne's
  10. Jeff comes home tomorrow!


"Play keeps us vital and alive. It give us . . .

. . . an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn't taste good." -Lucia Capocchione
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids sleeping just a little longer this morning
  2. Thomas first ride in a shopping cart sitting up
  3. finding my wallet in the car after I'd gone all the way through the checkout aisle at the grocery store and then found I had no wallet on me.
  4. Christian and Clara having so much fun playing in the beautiful weather outside
  5. playing bad guys with the kids
  6. the birth of Emily Pyles
  7. finding out Thomas may be allergic to peas
  8. Christian correctly using the word flabbergasted and reading the word "dog" without sounding it out
  9. early bedtime
  10. some time to myself


"Patience is the companion of wisdom"

-Saint Augustine
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff being home 5 days in a row. What a blessing that was!
  2. having 10 minutes to spare getting ready for bible study
  3. my bible study. What a great study and a great group of ladies to share it with.
  4. Christian being so excited to go back to school this week
  5. getting Thomas out of the infant carrier and now into a regular car seat
  6. finding the answer to some complicated tax questions
  7. officially filing our tax returns!!! I'm slightly more than a little scared.
  8. hearing Christian say "Clara, do you want to play with me?"
  9. Clara's beautiful sleeping face
  10. the sound of silence


"Genuine forgiveness does not . . .

. . . deny anger but faces it head-on.” -Alice Miller
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas doing 100% better this morning after his crazy hive outbreak last night
  2. Thomas using his voice more
  3. determining carrots are probably a problem
  4. that I can pray for help, and remembering to do so before losing my mind
  5. being able to walk away
  6. room time
  7. praise God! Christian and Clara played much nicer in afternoon room time!
  8. Jeff getting the kids ready for bed
  9. our taxes being nearly done
  10. getting our floors cleaned


"We have to pray with . . .

. . . our eyes on God, not on the difficulties." -Oswald Chambers
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff substituting waffles for pancakes so I could rest a little more
  2. feeling thin - I'm getting there!
  3. taking a nap, even if I didn't have time to
  4. the beautiful sound of the wind
  5. Jeff being here to help today when my blood sugar crashed and everyone needed me
  6. a great study with our college/young adults
  7. being prayed over. That was something that was needed beyond my knowledge
  8. great conversations with friends and feeling not so very all alone
  9. Thomas being able to fall asleep in spite of his hives
  10. a great ending to a good week


“The quickest way to know a woman is . . .

to go shopping with her.” -Marcelene Cox
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas taking his first sink bath and sitting up so well
  2. my friend Shannon at DittanyBaby blessing me again with more SkidPants
  3. going shopping all afternoon with Melissa
  4. Thomas behaving himself so nicely while we were out
  5. Jeff, Josh and kids having a great time at the Luke Days
  6. more progress on our taxes
  7. being able to stop and get a drink together after shopping without worry of time
  8. great conversations and candidness
  9. Jeff being able to spend quality time with Christian and Clara
  10. new shoes!!!


"The parents have not only to train their children: it is of at least equal importance that . . .

. . . they should train themselves." -Havelock Ellis
I'm thankful for:
  1. wearing a size 6 for the first time in 5 YEARS!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!
  2. Thomas not scratching when I put his lotion on
  3. a referral for a potential web project that is perfect for what I have on my plate right now
  4. Thomas looks terrific! (until I found him after nap with his socks off his hands and his cheek shredded)

  5. feeling better. The antibiotics are working!
  6. Jeff has been in town 3 days in a row!
  7. Thomas not reacting to the antibiotics this time around
  8. Clara's feisty personality. She's a handful sometimes but she is so precious to us!
  9. Christian reading the whole Zac the Rat section at Starfall.com by himself!!
  10. I love my kids! Two months ago I was so focused on being resentful of the toll it takes to raise 3 little ones that I could not appreciate them. Now I am able to cherish the little moments we share together.


Today I had to choose between . . .

. . . my health and putting my baby's in jeopardy or at the least, a good chance of making his life miserable for the next 10 days.
In spite of this, I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff commiserating with me in the middle of the night after another rough night with Thomas
  2. Clara being so proactive in picking out her clothes each day - even if they don't match

  3. finally someone willing to tell me exactly what I need to know about the risks and what to do if the latest round of antibiotics causes problems for Thomas
  4. little Alexander not appearing to have allergies
  5. Jeff getting something necessary taken care of that I (hopefully) no longer have to worry about
  6. although irritable & cranky today I did not lose my temper
  7. Thomas first time exploring a basket of toys
  8. Thomas sitting up without hands touching the ground
  9. Clara and Christian tickling each other and other shenanigans on the bed
  10. Jeff making grilled cheese and having a special time eating on the couch watching hoops with the kids


"There is no sadder sight than . . .

. . . a young pessimist." -Mark Twain
I'm thankful for:
  1. my cousin Melisa is pregnant! Hurray for the blessing of new life!
  2. losing 2 more pounds to this crazy diet
  3. not losing my milk supply in spite of all the diet changes and less calories
  4. friends who encourage me in the Word
  5. being somewhat productive today
  6. special reading time with Christian
  7. teaching Christian how to vacuum under the kitchen table

  8. Jeff with us tonight
  9. Thomas eating well for dinner
  10. such a nice dinner with the Hahne's


"The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that . . .

. . . it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind." -G.K. Chesterton
I'm thankful for:
  1. my 50th post! Not because I've done 50 days of posting but because of it's amazing results.
  2. forgetting about bible study cancellation because it got us out of the house
  3. a spontaneous visit with the Hahne's and having lunch taken care of for us
  4. Christian encouraging Clara
  5. Clara taking the initiative to put Thomas' clothes away on her own
  6. an unexpected new place for Thomas' to play. Hurray for laundry baskets!
  7. catching up with Jennie
  8. in spite of how challenging it is to cope with Thomas' incessant itching and hives how blessed we are that it is not something worse
  9. the silliness that abounds in this home!
  10. Jeff coming home tonight


WOW! What a blessing to . . .

. . . be able to enjoy my children instead of irritated and resentful of the work involved in taking care of them.
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff leaving just late enough that we could say good-bye to him
  2. Christian sharing jelly beans out of the kindness of his own heart with Clara
  3. Thomas calming down in the snuggly
  4. my friend Taun and the long, wonderful friendship we have
  5. Thomas taking a good nap this afternoon without crying
  6. having fun with messy food instead of getting irritated over the mess
  7. Kathy Gray dropping by to say Hi
  8. the potential to use some design skills
  9. sweet little Thomas coming close to laughing and having a good time in the laundry basket

  10. a beautiful, hormonally balanced 10 days.


Live by the Spirit and . . .

. . . you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. . . . They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. . . But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. -Galations 5:16, 18, 22
I'm thankful for:
  1. a good night's sleep
  2. lazying around in bed for a little bit this morning
  3. making snowflake pancakes for the kids
  4. my pants being too big!!!
  5. being silly with Jeff and getting chased around the kitchen
  6. Thomas' new SkidPants keeping him from scratching his legs
  7. every moment I was able to spend with Jeff this weekend
  8. Christian asking Clara to play with him in their room
  9. not freaking out when Thomas blew out of his diaper front and back - I must be getting used to this!
  10. a week where I could see the fruit of the Spirit working within me. May this next week be just as "fruitful".


"Never, 'for the sake of peace and quiet,' . . .

. . . deny your own experience or convictions." -Dag Hammarskjold
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas napping well today
  2. Jeff taking the C's out for a bit
  3. a quiet house
  4. making headway on our taxes
  5. Jeff home
  6. Thomas' kisses
  7. snuggling with Clara on the couch eating popcorn
  8. Christian telling Jeff he likes being with me
  9. Clara calling Uncle Marc and Thea, Yia-yia & Papou
  10. seeing a desire to know and love the Lord blossoming in a dear friend


Who made you?

. . . A: God
What else did God make? A: All things
Why did God make you and all things? A: For His own glory
What a gorgeous day today, basking in the glory of God's creation.
I'm thankful for:
  1. having our friends D', Tyler and Cody spend the night last night
  2. Christian, Clara & Tyler playing so nicely together
  3. that awful buzzy overstimulated excess caffeine feeling finally going away
  4. Thomas taking a great nap this afternoon with minimal crying
  5. enjoying the most amazing Arizona weather with my children outside
  6. searching for ladybugs with the kids outside
  7. a great week and being able to see how my own good attitude is reflected in how my children are treating me and each other
  8. Jeff is finally home!!!
  9. Thomas' joyful attitude and ease to sleep tonight
  10. for being able to appreciate all the beauty surrounding me today!


"Each friend represents a world in us . . .

. . . a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." -Anais Nin
I'm thankful for:
  1. spending time drawing and coloring with the kids
  2. D', Tyler and Cody coming for a sleep over
  3. tickle time and silliness with the C's
  4. Thomas finally falling asleep during naptime
  5. getting to pickup Christian from preschool without bringing Thomas and Clara along
  6. overhearing Christian asking Clara nicely if he can close the door and accepting it when she said "no". Oh, the tireless work is starting to pay off!
  7. the kids all playing nicely together
  8. D' reading the kids their bedtime story while I got Thomas ready for bed
  9. enjoying cookies and wine with D' after the kids are in bed
  10. a great week in spite of Jeff being gone all week


. . . neither death nor life, neither . . .

. . . neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 8:38-39
I'm thankful for:
  1. two nights in a row of uninterrupted sleep
  2. getting in a good workout this morning - great start to my day
  3. being sore today - it means my workout was effective yesterday
  4. getting the house clean for a great reason - for D', Tyler and Cody to spend the night
  5. Clara getting herself mostly dressed all by herself, including putting her shoes on by herself
  6. spending time with our friends the Hahnes
  7. Melissa Hahne's cornea healing well
  8. Clara being a super good girl this afternoon
  9. a beautiful clear night sky and full moon
  10. 2 days until Jeff comes home!


"We are apt to forget that children . . .

. . . watch examples better than they listen to preaching." -Roy L. Smith
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking up early and exercising
  2. Christian obeying the rules on his own and going back to bed after his bathroom break this morning
  3. Clara's nose not running like a faucet
  4. I think I can wear every pair of pants in my closet!!! (well, not yet in the "Esther's Tiny Clothes" box)
  5. not getting grumpy in the hectic run out the door
  6. Clara being a "good girl" at bible study again
  7. handling Clara's serious misbehavior at the bank with some level of grace
  8. our first make your own taco night - and the kids loved it!
  9. Christian did not physically harm Clara today, even with losing his temper!
  10. getting over the "analysis-paralysis" and ordering blinds for our bedroom . . . and finding $150 off coupon online


"Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but . . .

. . . it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes. -Buddha
I'm thankful for:
  1. finding I can eat Peeps!
  2. a relatively pleasant (minimal fighting) trip to the grocery store
  3. having a good mommy day - which means not losing my mind amidst hitting, yelling, backtalking and such
  4. playing Hi-Ho Cherry-O, the ladybug game and Thomas Tic-Tac-Toe
  5. a place for the kids to play outside
  6. a productive day
  7. focusing on treating each other as we'd wish to be treated
  8. making it through "the witching hour" without losing it
  9. a good start to a week without relief
  10. bedtime for little monkeys


For God so loved the world . . .

. . . that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16 Praise Jesus!
I'm thankful for:
  1. our church family
  2. the weight I've lost on this crazy Thomas allergy diet
  3. having to change my eating habits, even when it seems so hard to have to pass up cupcakes and pastries
  4. Jeff
  5. Christian doing a better job using his words instead of anger
  6. Jeff having special time with Clara
  7. that Thomas now loves solid foods and it seems to be making him grow in so many ways!
  8. my dear friends Bill and Amanda and their new baby Emily coming very soon!
  9. seeing old friends today
  10. that the screaming baby next to me does not scream like this very often


"Weekends are a bit like rainbows . . .

. . . they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them." -John Shirley
I'm thankful for:
  1. Clara's croupy cough staying at bay last night
  2. a straightened and somewhat clean home
  3. Thomas skin looking great today
  4. starting the day with family snuggle time
  5. Ryan coming over to shoot hoops with Jeff
  6. celebrating Christian Hahne's birthday
  7. Thomas being more interactive and interested in food
  8. no real angry outbursts from Christian today
  9. having conversations with other "grown ups" with minimal kid interruptions
  10. the weekend


"It is not a lack of love, but . . .

. . . a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." -Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas trying squash today and I don't think he's breaking out from that
  2. "reading" on Starfall.com with Christian
  3. Christian knowing his letters now backwards and forwards
  4. Jeff being in town nearly the entire work week!
  5. fresh pineapple. Yummm!
  6. Christian having less attitude today
  7. itching, to help me empathize with Thomas
  8. Jeff having a job during this uncertain economic time
  9. that no matter how hard this last year has been I have never loved Jeff more than I do now
  10. knowing that Jeff feels the same about me


Trust Him to . . .

. . . give you victory over fear and circumstances.
I'm thankful for:
  1. 2 great nights of sleep and a peaceful home to wake up to
  2. Christian and Clara playing nicely together in room time . . . for a while at least
  3. Thomas sitting on his own
  4. Western Day at Christian's preschool
  5. my sweet friend Shannon at Dittany Baby sending SkidPants for Thomas in an attempt to keep him from breaking out in a rash from our carpet
  6. Kathy Gray bringing homemade soup over last night and being able to enjoy it again for lunch today
  7. the small kindnesses of strangers
  8. Thomas not being allergic to the new medication, even if I am.
  9. jello
  10. having some quality time with Christian


"It is better to be weak and trust the Lord than . . .

. . . to think you are strong and ignore Him." -CBS Genesis Lesson 22
I'm thankful for:
  1. having a full 8 hours of sleep without any children waking me up in the night
  2. beautiful flowers blooming all over the yard
  3. waking up to a quiet house
  4. having grace to get through the hair pulling incident without getting angry. I tend to get particularly upset when the kids hurt each other.
  5. being able to focus on acting in love with each other
  6. not completely losing my mind when Christian persistently mocked me while I talked to him about how much longer he had to stay in reading rest
  7. a few moments where all three kids were sleeping
  8. miraculously keeping my cool all day no matter if Christian threw, spit, grumbled or mocked me in anger. Seriously, I am patting myself on the back.
  9. being able to step away from each situation so as not to go crazy during the battles today
  10. clean laundry


"It is impossible to feel . . .

. . . grateful and depressed in the same moment." -Naomi Williams
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas waking up happy this morning and feeling so much better!
  2. Clara helping me pick out Thomas' clothes
  3. sending Christian to his room so I could collect myself before punishing him
  4. not having to see the allergist again for 3 months!
  5. having time between the Dr's office, school and home to help me keep my cool with Clara's bad behavior
  6. pajama day at Christian's preschool!
  7. Thomas trying to get into a crawl position
  8. Clara staying in her pac-n-play even though she climbed out for the first time moments before
  9. praying with Thomas that he would stop screaming and be able to handle the itching and God answered the prayer when I got to "in Jesus name, Amen".
  10. thinking this time maybe I'm really on the mend


"In a disordered mind . . .

. . . as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible." -Cicero
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking with no fever and this time going all day without it returning!
  2. Christian being feverless all day, too!
  3. Jeff being able to take some time watching the kids for me to go to Dr appointments and pick up prescriptions by-my-self!
  4. feeling capable of swallowing most of the day
  5. getting mastitis before going to the Dr so I could be prescribed something to cover that along with the other infections
  6. an existing appointment with the allergist tomorrow in case Thomas is allergic to the new medicine I've started tonight
  7. Thomas chatting a little more than usual today
  8. Jeff getting dinner and kids ready for bed
  9. finding a few chocolates at the store that I can eat
  10. hope for a healthier tomorrow


Even in a week like this one . . .

. . . I can still find a lot to be thankful for in my day. Frankly, I hit the wall today and broke down several times in sadness over trying to handle this crazy sick house, but amidst that I could see God working to use that to turn my focus on Him rather than myself.
I'm thankful for:
  1. waking up with just a low fever this morning!
  2. taking a shower and feeling squeaky clean
  3. getting my computer closer to it's original state
  4. Dhondi's diligent work on getting my computer fixed for me
  5. putting Clara back in the pac-n-play at bedtime. One conflict resolved . . . for now.
  6. Kathy taking the kids to the soccer park - and Christian's happy dance to be able to get out of the house!
  7. seeing so obviously that Thomas is allergic to something new
  8. clean(er) children
  9. Jeff being in town most of this week
  10. being humbled in my sadness today remembering that the sacrifices I make for my family pale in comparison to the sacrifice Jesus made in dying on the cross
In the midst of finding things to be thankful for yourself, would you please pray for our family? I covet your prayers for sweet Thomas who has been writhing in itchiness, for Christian who has gone 5 days with a fever and for me who has also gone 5 days with a fever and now has a nasty throat infection, and probably sinus, eye and ear infection and had to stop taking my antibiotics because Thomas is clearly allergic. May I be able to be a selfless, caring and nurturing mommy even when I want to just crawl into bed and avoid my responsibilities. Praise God that Clara went through this last week - may she not get it again. Finally, for Jeff, who works so hard - that he would not get this nasty bug.