
"I do not believe in God, for that implies an effort of the will -

. . . I see God everywhere!" -Jean Favre
I'm thankful for:
  1. the annoying fly waking me up, else I'd probably have gotten woken by a small child and been really irritated with them
  2. spending time last night working on my art for the first time in a long time
  3. an unexpected rain last night
  4. seeing the "children" in the family of quail that keeps visiting our home growing up!
  5. keeping my cool in spite of lack of sleep and a really grumpy 2 year old
  6. Christian staying in his reading rest the last few days
  7. Christian memorizing Philippians 4:13 and the kids making an attempt to sing Amazing Grace with me
  8. Christian & Clara being brave in swim lessons
  9. Christian answering "all of it" when I asked him what he liked best about swim lessons
  10. laying Thomas down for the evening and he didn't cry when I put him in the crib


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

. . . but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7
I'm thankful for:
  1. getting up early enough to get a good workout in, fold laundry, read my bible, eat breakfast, shower. Nice.
  2. the happy hearts of my children today
  3. a very productive morning; getting into a rhythm
  4. praying praises to God while rocking Thomas this morning. A unique opportunity amidst a typical day without a lot of quiet time.
  5. baking eggless, dairyless banana bread with the kids. The first yummy treat I've had in a long time!
  6. spending some quality time with Christian
  7. Thomas peaceful sleep this afternoon
  8. silly things the kids do like dressing up in jackets & pretending there is a snowstorm outside
  9. a nice, long phone call with Mom & Dad while the kids played in their room
  10. my cousin Melisa finding out she's having a girl!


And pray in the Spirit . . .

. . . on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. -Ephesians 6:18a
I'm thankful for:
  1. the kids sleeping a little longer than usual so we could catch up on the sleep we missed last night
  2. Thomas and I trying pancakes this morning - so far he's fine
  3. getting our furniture moved back in our bedroom. The painting is 2/3 done!
  4. that Jeff has a job in these tough economic times
  5. a super long nap today. Thanks Jeff!
  6. seeing some progress in the new discipline strategy with Christian's behavior
  7. getting the house and kitchen in order before the start of the work week
  8. Christian joining me on some errands - it's good for us both to spend quality alone time together
  9. the weekend being so rejuvenating.
  10. Jeff. I love him so much more than I could ever put into writing. Frankly, if nothing else, he could make each item of my top ten list each day . . . even on a bad day.


"I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without . . .

. . . a clockmaker." -Voltaire
I'm thankful for:
  1. a new personal best time running the 5k
  2. not getting bit by the snake I almost ran over (in all fairness, in hindsight I think he may have been dead)
  3. Thomas' happy squeaks when he woke this morning
  4. breakfast time with my Aunt Esther
  5. Kylah coming over to play and help with the kids
  6. Clara giving me a big hug, huge kiss and telling me she loves me before her nap time today
  7. Jesse R's miraculous recovery from myocarditis
  8. Christian not having any major meltdowns today
  9. Jeff giving the kids baths, dinner and ready for bed
  10. starting on getting our bedroom painted and Jeff helping me get to a good stopping point


"Whenever I see sunbeams coming through clouds, it always looks to me like God shining himself down onto us.

. . . The thing about sunbeams is they're always there even though we can't always see them. Same with God." -Adeline Cullen Ray
I'm thankful for:
  1. different ideas for new discipline in dealing with Christian's negative mouth. I hope it helps.
  2. Benadryl helping Thomas
  3. Thomas falling asleep snuggling the monster
  4. Christian counting to 150 without any help from me. His little mind never quits.
  5. Thomas' new skill of clapping
  6. the fun all the kids had together with the Hahne's kids
  7. Josh and Melissa being able to go out on a golf date together
  8. trying out a new schedule on Thomas. I hope this is going to make bedtime much easier!
  9. little Miss Mary being so comfortable here with us
  10. the end of the work week


"I would rather walk with God in the dark than . . .

. . . go alone in the light." -Mary Gardiner Brainard
I'm thankful for:
  1. seeing a family of quail in our backyard this morning - the babies were so tiny!
  2. getting out of the funk pretty quickly this morning
  3. cloudy windy day. I know it's hot outside, but it looks like a day to drink hot tea and read books on the couch
  4. nice phone call with my Aunt Marcie
  5. letting the house go and trying not to be too concerned about it
  6. really truly desiring to glorify God and not control my children. Oh, so very hard.
  7. it actually rained today!
  8. being able to celebrate Cody Bates' first birthday with friends!
  9. Thomas going to sleep effortlessly tonight
  10. Clara's tender heart


"God saw all that he had made and it was very good."

-Genesis 1:31
I'm thankful for:
  1. inspiration from others of things to teach my children
  2. a reasonably good trip to the store with the kids
  3. Christian and Clara doing "Hidden Pictures" together without my prompting
  4. talking myself back into reality. Meaning, there are times I see other mom's or read people's blogs and I forget that their lives are not as perfect as they seem on the outside
  5. being a lot more easy going about the usual nuisances in child-rearing
  6. Uncle Phil offering for us to stay with them when we visit CA next month
  7. Melissa taking the C's for me while I went shopping
  8. buying a size 4 at Old Navy today. I never thought that would be a size I'd see again on me in my lifetime!
  9. Christian saying he loves Clara as one of his prayers
  10. Jeff coming home later tonight


"In the Christian life it is important to understand that our highest success is not measured by the effect we have upon others,

. . . but strictly by our obedience to God." -http://www.familyministries.com/HS_Crisis.htm
I'm thankful for:
  1. a nearly perfect morning. Got up early, exercised, read my bible, showered, ate . . . all before the kids got up!
  2. getting my morning chores done early
  3. making homemade popcorn with the kids
  4. talking with friends can help me get through the grumps (when the kids are resting or occupied)
  5. reading refreshing ideas on why to be creative with the kids
  6. the kid's first swim lesson. Christian was so much braver than I expected!
  7. encouraging the kids and trying to be uplifting to them about even the little accomplishments
  8. Clara telling me I need to put on my happy face when I'm getting upset
  9. Jeff explaining Thomas is "special needs" and that we need to treat him that way in regards to helping him sleep. Helped me to have perspective and not be discouraged that he needs to be comforted asleep. I suppose we'll break whatever habits he's created after we're through this mess.
  10. feeling the pull in not so subtle ways to work on my art and stop pushing it aside for everything else. (chapter I read last night on the importance of creativity, blog I read today about being a faithful steward of my time to devote to creativity, friend posting new photos of artworks in progress on FB). Ah, I want so much to do this but it just seems so hard to fit it in right now. I must push myself beyond what I think I can do. It worked with the chore list, nightly laundry. I shouldn't be discouraged. I know it can be done. Will plan for working it in.
    *Make that one more. After posting, I ran across a note a friend put on his FB page about "Art, Faith, and Humanity. . .to engage the culture". Just knock me on the head with a 2x4 next time.


"If God asks that you bend, bend and do not complain.

. . . He is making you more flexible, and for this be thankful." -Meriel Stelliger
I'm thankful for:
  1. Clara doing a GREAT job in her big girl bed last night
  2. Christian H. and Mary coming to hang out at our house this morning. Fun for everyone!
  3. the kids all getting along so well
  4. getting half of my chores done despite taking care of 5 little ones
  5. this homemade microwave popcorn that my friend told me about. Yummy and healthy and cheap!
  6. becoming a little bit more "go with the flow" about life
  7. outdoor windex - that stuff worked amazingly well on the caked on kid prints of our sliding glass door!
  8. Jeff being home 2 weeks. It makes this weeks trip that much easier to bear.
  9. a quiet evening once I got Thomas to sleep
  10. working towards planning a trip to join Jeff in San Diego


"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead,

. . . bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." -Ephesians 6:4
I'm thankful for:
  1. my wonderful husband who is the biggest blessing to our family and the best father I could imagine for my children
  2. having a day to celebrate my husband, our fathers, and all the other great dad's in our lives
  3. Christian not cutting his foot when the sugar container fell and broke on his foot
  4. Clara going back into her big girl bed today. I hope this time it is for good!
  5. the sermon this morning challenging me for more consistent parenting
  6. desire for better discipline strategies, and not being complacent
  7. reorganizing my pantry
  8. finding some energy to clean up the kitchen before bed
  9. Jeff's selflessness
  10. after an hour of screaming Thomas finally went to sleep without me holding him. I know we can do this!


"In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature . . .

. . . not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead." -Colossians 2:11-12
I'm thankful for:
  1. Grandma reading books, playing games and generally spoiling the kids with her time today
  2. Jeff and Tom getting a lot done around the house
  3. getting paint for our bedroom at the store. I can't wait to give it a try!
  4. Thomas miracle nap this morning and skin looking much better
  5. Mary Kay emptying the dishwasher. Sometimes it truly is the little things.
  6. God using Christian's angry heart to grow me in so many ways
  7. sharing in D's baptism. What a huge blessing to be a part of that moment!
  8. sharing that special moment with some old friends
  9. children in bed for the night - better late than never!
  10. mmm! Strawberry sorbet!


"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. . . .

. . . That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." -Emily Kimbrough
I'm thankful for:
  1. Christian and Clara including Thomas in their play time
  2. Christian and Clara playing so nicely with new friends
  3. great conversations with new friends
  4. finally looking into the niche for one last quote
  5. Thomas being ok after Clara feeding him cottage cheese today
  6. the sheer excitement from the kids in anticipation of seeing their grandma & grandpa
  7. Tom & Mary Kay coming to visit
  8. the photos the kids had done with their cousins and how fun that was
  9. having people around to distract me from the nightly chaos
  10. excitement for D' who's getting baptized tomorrow! Praise Jesus!


For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.

Live as children of light -Ephesians 5:8
I'm thankful for:
  1. Clara sat on the big potty all by herself and on her own initiative today. Hurray!
  2. Thomas hasn't had hives for weeks until today. It does really give me hope! (later read that McDonald's uses wheat and milk as part of their ingredients)
  3. at least the bad customer service at Lowe's allowed me to not buy my paint today and so I can later use the coupon I forgot to bring
  4. Christian finishing the whole Learn to Read section on Starfall.com and has been reading signs correctly, like zoo and exit!
  5. planting daisy seeds with the kids
  6. playing wrestle
  7. Thomas allowing me to read on the couch during what should have been his naptime
  8. the great blessing of Jeff being around the last few weeks
  9. Jeff being home in time for dinner and bringing dinner home. Yummm, Pei Wei!
  10. 2 good weeks following 2 horrific weeks. Thank God for the knowledge that I can have good days and even good weeks!


"The belly rules the mind." -Spanish Proverb

I'm thankful for:
  1. 4 mile run this morning averaging 9m 15s/mile! Wooohooo!
  2. seeing a beautiful sunrise, quail, coyote, rabbits and getting sprinkled on during my run
  3. trying to eat even healthier - less sweets at least
  4. hydrating more and feeling better because of it
  5. Thomas temperament, especially when he's not hungry or sleepy
  6. Christian accepting his punishment without a fight when he went to a long timeout after hitting me
  7. Clara wanting to be a good girl and doing a good job in her bed, even though she has a hard time actually pulling it off
  8. challenged to know more of my bible to help guide those in need
  9. Jeff's total love and compassion for the kids under all circumstances. *sigh*. He gives me something to strive for.
  10. my kids. They drive me nuts a lot of the time but I truly love each of them!


"There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't,

. . . and that's a wife who can't cook and will." -Robert Frost
I'm thankful for:
  1. being blessed to be able to actually witness a friend's faith grow
  2. literally running into a neighbor friend on my run this morning and then running the rest of the way together, sharing the exercise and company
  3. being more proactive about sending the kids to their room when they're whiny and misbehaving rather than letting it continue and allowing it to get to me
  4. Christian's comedic timing
  5. forgiving myself after I blew up today rather than dwelling on it and letting it escalate into an even grumpier me
  6. Christian and Clara loving each other and playing well together
  7. Jeff's chest x-ray "seeming to be normal"
  8. a desire to continually grow and improve
  9. working to not be hard on myself for less productivity today
  10. keeping cool with Christian's bad temper and meltdowns


"One family and the children of that family can do . . .

. . . marvelous things to affect the world or devastating things to destroy it." -Edith Schaeffer What is a Family?
I'm thankful for:
  1. talking to myself about how to handle each situation before losing my cool or getting testy (don't worry, I'm not talking to myself out loud)
  2. a very productive morning
  3. convincing myself not to be lazy but to push through
  4. Thomas keeping the gloves on this afternoon
  5. Clara and Christian being better behaved
  6. Thomas following the C's around the house all day
  7. playing Memory with Christian and Clara and they both understood how to play it correctly!
  8. Thomas signing Mommy and saying "Dada"
  9. popsicles for the kids
  10. reading lots of stories today


"There's nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than . . .

. . . trying to explain them to an inquisitive child." -Frank A. Clark
I'm thankful for:
  1. Thomas eczema looking a little better after his bath today
  2. visiting Fellowship of Grace for the first time in a long time
  3. catching up with our "old" church family
  4. these little "pep talks" I've been giving to myself lately to help me not get angry at the kids
  5. taking time to read for a few minutes after getting home from church
  6. Thomas eating real food and loving it more!
  7. sparkling clean and polished counters
  8. Christian counting to 100 at dinner
  9. hearing the kids make each other laugh
  10. our college ministry - they are such a blessing to us!


". . . someone in a relationship needs to consider the family as . . .

. . . a career, a project, serious enough to be willing to be the one to 'scramble up over jagged rocks to feed the birds, so that they won't become extinct'". -Edith Schaeffer in What is a Family
I'm thankful for:
  1. perspective of my job being to champion our family
  2. finally making the move and buying paint for the kid's bathroom
  3. managing taping off and painting part of the kid's bathroom between naps and snack time until Jeff came home when I could finish it
  4. Christian being able to see his friend Tyler today
  5. my friend D' and she celebrates her birthday today
  6. the paint in the bathroom looks good! (albeit a little brighter than I was looking for)
  7. keeping my cool for a few days in a row
  8. Thomas trying so hard to keep up with the kids
  9. Thomas desiring to eat real food
  10. Christian and Clara treating each other with more love and respect (likely reflective of Mom's better behavior this week)


Be kind and compassionate to one another . . .

. . . forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
I'm thankful for:
  1. the book of Ephesians helping me to refocus
  2. not being grumpy in spite of little sleep
  3. little pep talks helping me to keep my cool
  4. another good day without losing my temper
  5. Clara taking a good nap since she did not sleep much last night
  6. Clara's croupy cough gone this morning
  7. a good talk with Josh giving perspective and encouragement
  8. Thomas pulling up now on everything and taking it like a champ when he falls down
  9. Christian working so hard at learning how to read and wanting me to read books to him all day
  10. Christian's prayer tonight for me to play with him. A wake-up call to double check my priorities.


But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

-Ephesians 4:7
I'm thankful for:
  1. Jeff helping with Clara in the middle of the night last night
  2. being so productively clean this week
  3. the kids behaving nicely
  4. me behaving nicely and not getting upset so easily
  5. being more patient with Christian during his reading time
  6. a miraculous day without any mommy meltdowns and the kids behavior reflecting how nice mommy was
  7. getting new books at the library
  8. taking the kids to McDonald's, which I almost never do. They, of course, had a blast!
  9. Thomas enjoying bath with the older kids now so much
  10. feeling some nice harmony in my life today and the hope it gives me that one day it could stay this way


Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. -Ephesians 4:31-32
I'm thankful for:
  1. God's word to help guide me along the path of righteousness
  2. recommendation from a friend on the book What is a Family by Edith Schaeffer. I'm only 1 chapter in, but it's got my attention.
  3. Thomas looked right at me and said "Mama"! (and not just once, either!)
  4. Christian's incessant questions. It can be a little overwhelming the constant barrage of questions, but I love how his mind works!
  5. Thomas wanting to join in on the fun of wrestling with Daddy and kids
  6. Jeff's ability to help me see what I'm missing sometimes
  7. getting some things put up around the house. 6 months after the move and we're finally starting to move in
  8. great friends - that is an area I am truly blessed!
  9. Thomas falling asleep without me holding him tonight. It wasn't easy, but he did it this time!
  10. my new daytimer because I AM getting more accomplished!


Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2
I'm thankful for:
  1. another productive day
  2. better mental stability this week
  3. handling melt-downs and disobedience with better love and kindness
  4. Jeff being home this week - maybe that's why I'm handling life better
  5. having the Hahne kids over - what fun for the kids!
  6. being able to be a confidant to a friend
  7. a nice dinner with Taun
  8. enjoying time out with adult conversation and a break away from screaming kids
  9. a great start to the week
  10. Thomas eating and sleeping well for Jeff tonight


I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

. . . so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. -Ephesians 3:16-17a
I'm thankful for:
  1. a good trip to the store with the kids
  2. getting the kids a treat (donut) just because and being able to relate that to God's grace
  3. the opportunity to share my faith and answer tough questions with a friend
  4. being able to encourage my dear friend
  5. a very productive morning
  6. getting Thomas to sleep. Unfortunately his skin and sleep are returning back to the way things were, but I'm blessed to have had 10 days of a miraculous change. It gives me hope.
  7. a sparkling clean bathroom - now how can I find the balance between having a clean house and spending time with my kids?
  8. hot chocolate and marshmallows for the kids in the middle of the summer
  9. being able to see how a friend worked hard towards running a half marathon, training in 3 months, and the joy she had in her accomplishment!
  10. our new couch came! Sounds materialistic, I know, but our house is slowly becoming our home.


When the moon hits your eye like a biga pizza pie . . .

. . . that's amore!
I'm thankful for:
  1. being able to be there for a friend in need
  2. 11 years since our first date in Venice, Italy
  3. dancing in the kitchen with Jeff to That's Amore
  4. our Sunday morning pancake breakfast tradition
  5. enjoying lunch with our church family
  6. a nice nap
  7. Jeff being able to rest his back and not worry about having to drive today
  8. Thomas enjoying his first time watching Baby Signing Times
  9. playing tickle monster with the kids
  10. a pretty good day overall


"Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but . . .

. . . through being the right mate." -Barnett R. Brickner
I'm thankful for:
  1. going to Kohl's by myself this morning
  2. saving money. I like saving money!
  3. being lazy and letting my dishes pile up a bit
  4. Clara whispering me awake after my nap - so sweet!
  5. the Hahne's watching our children while we went out on a date (with Thomas, too, of course)
  6. finding a couch and rug for our house
  7. slowly getting our house a little bit more together
  8. the kids having a great time at the Hahne's and playing so nicely together!
  9. Thomas behaving like a champ, as always, while we dragged him all over to get a couch
  10. enjoying a wonderful time together and feeling refreshed from the time together


"Madness need not be all breakdown. . .

. . . It may also be break-through." -R.D. Laing, The Politics of Experience
I'm thankful for:
  1. this strangely cool, cloudy day
  2. happy squeaks coming from Thomas' bedroom this morning
  3. handling discipline mostly with love and without anger
  4. putting Thomas down for a nap without socks on his hands this morning
  5. getting things done on "the list"
  6. recognizing that the changes in Thomas are absolutely a miracle!
  7. Jeff coming home tonight and not traveling at all next week!
  8. Thomas eczema and skin worsening later in the day, only for the reminder of how great he's been and having hope for permanent change
  9. Christian wanting to pray for "the red spots on Thomas' face to go away"
  10. Jeff being able and available to help a friend load their moving truck


"People who do not understand themselves have a craving for understanding." -Wilhelm Stekel

I'm thankful for:
  1. seeing the end of a beautiful sunrise this morning
  2. a cooler than usual day out in the desert
  3. Thomas trying soy formula in his cereal with no noticeable problems
  4. surviving the zoo in the heat today (cooler or not, it's still pretty dang hot!)
  5. finding at least one animal to entertain us (orangatans). The rest were hiding in the shade.
  6. the kids memory of the zoo as a great time even if it didn't seem they were having fun there
  7. Christian being brave on the merry-go-round
  8. Thomas eating a snow cone - finally something he can eat out! And he loved every bite!
  9. enjoying some wrestle time with the kids
  10. Thomas' love for his siblings - it is so sweet!


"Depressed? Of course we're all depressed.

. . . We've been so quickly, violently, and irreconcilably plucked from nature, from physical labor, from kinship and village mentality, from every natural and primordial anti-depressant. The further society "progresses," the grander the scale of imbalance. Just as fluoride is put in water to prevent dental caries, we'll soon find government mandating Prozac in our water to prevent mental caries." -M. Robin D'Antan
I'm thankful for:
  1. running 5k in 29 minutes this morning!
  2. seeing quail, rabbits, jackrabbits and other little critters to start my day
  3. making plans for the zoo tomorrow
  4. getting some things done around here
  5. the kids having some nice playtime together
  6. cooking pork chops for the first time ever
  7. 3 out of 4 liking the pork chops
  8. the kids silly antics in the pool tonight
  9. being humbled. I never thought I'd have these issues and my pride has gotten in the way of me getting help. Now I have the opportunity to stop relying on myself to solve all my problems.
  10. confidence that God is going to use these experiences not just to grow me but so that I may minister to other people having these same issues once I get through this.


In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,

. . . in accordance with the riches of God's grace -Ephesians 1:7
I'm thankful for:
  1. getting to spend some time with Amanda, D', and their kids
  2. trying a soy latte for the first time to see how Thomas handles it. Oh, Starbucks! How I have missed you!
  3. Thomas pulling up to standing on Jack's train table. He's getting so big!
  4. a long overdue talk with my friend Krista
  5. phone calls with so many dear friends today
  6. not losing my temper with the kids when they misbehaved so much while I was on the phone
  7. 3 kids playing boats together
  8. Thomas eating so well lately
  9. Jeff coming home and cleaning up the kitchen for me
  10. the fact that I do regret when I lose my temper and seek forgiveness


"Some people regard discipline as a chore. . .

. . . For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." -Julie Andrews
I'm thankful for:
  1. running 5k in under 30 minutes (about 1 1/2 minutes faster than the first time I ran 5k)
  2. going to the store minus one child this morning
  3. our leather couch, because I would bet it was easier to clean up poop off of that than a cloth couch
  4. setting up my new Franklin Covey and getting a few things crossed off of the list
  5. Christian's growing desire to read and write more
  6. enjoying a conversation with the kids about classical music and the different emotions each song can invoke
  7. Jeff being around for a good part of the week
  8. trying a new recipe - not bad!
  9. the lessons I'm learning in selflessness and flexibility
  10. seeing a week of improvement with Thomas and even with his itchiness today seeing it can and will go away